Hi all, a query about the onboard tank on our Coachman Laser 575 Xcel 2021. It’s worked fine up till this year, but now it’s doing weird things.
We’re on a serviced seasonal pitch, and connect water using a Whale input. If we fill the tank and select the ‘use internal source’ command on the Seattle control panel, with the outside tap left switched on, it still mainly uses the outside source, though the onboard tank level goes down a little as if some is drawn from there. If the outside tap is turned off, it will quite happily use the onboard tank. We do find the water pressure, especially for the shower, much better using the onboard tank, so just leaving the outside connected and ignoring the onboard is not our ideal.
I suspect it might be a control panel issue, for no real reason, but it equally could be a local switch. I hope someone better informed can enlighten me!
We’re on a serviced seasonal pitch, and connect water using a Whale input. If we fill the tank and select the ‘use internal source’ command on the Seattle control panel, with the outside tap left switched on, it still mainly uses the outside source, though the onboard tank level goes down a little as if some is drawn from there. If the outside tap is turned off, it will quite happily use the onboard tank. We do find the water pressure, especially for the shower, much better using the onboard tank, so just leaving the outside connected and ignoring the onboard is not our ideal.
I suspect it might be a control panel issue, for no real reason, but it equally could be a local switch. I hope someone better informed can enlighten me!