Onboard Tanks

Sep 26, 2006
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Silly question from someone who's never had an onboard tank before.

Does the cold water onboard tank fill in the same way as the hot water tank? ie attach aquaroll and then the tanks automatically fill before sending water to the taps?

If not, how do you fill it? And if so can it be bypassed if you don't want to fill it?

Currently waiting for my New Vogue 600 to arrive and this is the only thing I don't know about on it.

Thanks everyone.

Jul 11, 2005
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We had one on our last van and yes we filled it up with a barrel or a hose. There should be a 12V power point near the filler cap foe a pump.

We had to use it all the time as there is no other method for water supply.

I found it OK.

Mar 14, 2005
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On the Senator you have the option of tank fill/water from tank to taps/water from aquaroll etc to taps

The tank supplies water to both hot and cold just as though it was an external source(aquaroll)
Aug 4, 2005
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Nick - With regards to filling the onboard tank, I'm guessing all makes and models are similar. On our Bailey there are two levers in the inside of the van next to the internal pump. Your handbook will tell you which position they should be in to a) fill onboard tank from aquaroll, b) run supply from onboard tank to taps or c) run water from aquaroll to taps. Its very simple once you see it.

Aug 17, 2007
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I've had onboard tanks in my last 2 vans and cannot fault them and the internal pump tends to be a lot more powerful than the pump in the Aquroll for showering etc. although I can use either.

The only downside could be when on a 12 volt only supply only then you are using power to fill the onboard tank and then using it again when you use the water. I think they are first class but would not turn down a van without one.

Jul 11, 2006
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Nick, The system on the Abbey Vogue 600 works well and is straightforward to use. Both water sources fill from the aquaroll, I do find that the inboard hot tank and pipes use quite a lot of the first aquaroll so I usually short fill the first and immediately re-fill.

Having connected up the first time, first close the drain switch under the front seat (this drains the system down when leaving site), I then open each hot tap in turn and bleed the system of air. Once everything is full of water not air then I switch on the water heater and refill the aquaroll.

I've not tried to bypass the hot tank so don't know if this is possible. However, the heater has a separate switch if you don't want to consume that power.

Hope you enjoy your 600.
Sep 26, 2006
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Nick, The system on the Abbey Vogue 600 works well and is straightforward to use. Both water sources fill from the aquaroll, I do find that the inboard hot tank and pipes use quite a lot of the first aquaroll so I usually short fill the first and immediately re-fill.

Having connected up the first time, first close the drain switch under the front seat (this drains the system down when leaving site), I then open each hot tap in turn and bleed the system of air. Once everything is full of water not air then I switch on the water heater and refill the aquaroll.

I've not tried to bypass the hot tank so don't know if this is possible. However, the heater has a separate switch if you don't want to consume that power.

Hope you enjoy your 600.
Ok thanks very much Dave, that's great info.




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