Aug 4, 2009
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just bought a bottle of the blue one chem to try next week. it says on the bottle to be also used in the top flush tank aswell as the cassette, is this true? does it not give the flush water that horrible "chemical fragrant" smell? and does the flush water then turn blue and stain the toilet bowl? and what reviews do poeple have on one chem, do you realy get 40 doses? and is that small pre measured cap full enough for a cassette when its full? all reviews gratefully accepted. i use the local caravan showrooms own brand of blue and pink at the moment. regards, mark
Jul 13, 2006
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Well as you've bought it why not give it a try and post on here whether or not you like it? I've always fancied trying it, it sounds good, but I've never seen it on sale in any of the caravan places I've been to.

I had a bottle of "The Blue Stuff." Absolutely useless, did'nt deal with the smell. Gone back to Thetford now.


Nov 12, 2009
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'Mark' wrote:

i use the local caravan showrooms own brand of blue and pink at the moment. regards, mark

I'd be surprised if you did 'Mark' because your post reads very much like a piece of promotional blurb from somebody who has a commercial interest in the new product.

I can't prove this because our admin is away at the Practical Caravan Readers rally over the Bank Holiday so we'll let you have that one on us this time ;0)

I prefer the tried and trusted Fenwick's Top and Tail anyway.
Aug 4, 2009
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DANNY, it says on the bottle, 25ml in the cassette and 5ml in the flush. PARKSY, i am not promoting anything, i just wondered what it was like, and if you can realy put it in the flush and/or will it turn the bowl blue. and HENRY, i went on one chems web site and they say if you can name a local dealer who doesn't stock it they will give you a free bottle, thats how i got mine.
Jun 11, 2012
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Right in answer to this thread,I have just been away and tested the Onechem, all I can say is we found it very good no problems at all .

I know its new and it probably wont do 4o shots what I would say is for the holding tank reduce the dosage a little and the flush tank and then you will get 40 shots.

It has a very pleasant fragant smell and works as good as any other chemicals Ive used,but make sure in the holding tank you add a good 2ltrs of water before adding the onechem

No it doesnt stain the toilet bowl and it washes off you hands easily.

The good thing is there is no fermaldahyde and this seems to be the most important thing of all.

AS Parksy has already said Fenwicks do a top and Tail and I have to say Fenwicks product are good but whats wrong with a bit of competition.

No I dont work for Onechem just found the product as already stated

I hope this helps .

Sir Roger


Nov 12, 2009
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'PARKSY, i am not promoting anything, i just wondered what it was like, and if you can realy put it in the flush and/or will it turn the bowl blue'

Apologies to Mark if that's the case but your initial post read very much like the typical promo posts from sales people trying to pass themselves off as ordinary forum members and I have no means of checking. Let us know what you think of One Chem when you try it next week.


Nov 12, 2009
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Lol Danny

If Mark had been a promo merchant the chances are that he'd have slunk off and not replied so I think that I got it wrong this time -Doh!


Nov 12, 2009
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The 'normal' blue chemical which is for the holding tank is different to the 'One Chem' which Mark mentioned which just happens to be blue but is a different product.

Toilet fluids like One Chem or Fenwick's Top & Tail are designed to be used in both the holding tank and the flushing tank and they are a good alternative to buying two separate items.

One Chem is a new product and no doubt we will soon hear if it is any good or represents value for money.
Apr 13, 2010
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ah ok, well i will be buying something that does both parts instead of having different bottles or i will end up getting them mixed up no doubt.

going to write up a check list later to make sure i remember to take/do
Mar 14, 2005
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We attended the ACCEO AGM rally last October, when the man who owns the company which makes One-Chem gave a promotional talk on the product. Surprising though it may seem, he made it interesting!We were offered One-Chem at a special rally price, so I bought some.Prior to that I'd been using KemDirect, because it does not smell, and therefore doesn't affect my wife's asthma. I can only say that both of these products do exactly what they say. I've used One-Chem since October, and there's no staining of the bowl, no unpleasant smell, and the solids appear to break down very quickly.It also washes off easily. As for the 40 fills, I can't say, cos I don't count them, but I'm not yet halfway down my first bottle, and we've had 24 days in the van since I bought it.( I only empty when it's full, unlike some who empty daily)

Needless to say, I have no connection with One-Chem, but I believe that a good product deserves recognition.
Aug 4, 2009
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PARKSY. apologises accepted, i am a humble welder of nuclear submarines, thats it, certainly not a portable toilet chemical saleman trying to sell a product, i am going to englethwaite hall CC site for 5 nights this coming monday then on to dockray meadow CC site for 3 nights, thats it, thats this years holiday for me and the misses, then back to work next tuesday afternoon. i will try the free sample of one chem in the cassette, still not convinced it WONT stain the bowl, so i will still use my local caravan dealers own brand of pink flush. and dont get me wrong, if when i get back after 7 nights the one chem is crap (pardon the pun) i will say its crap, and if its good, i will say it was no better than what i am using, because what i am using at the moment is great, all i was after was a review on a cheaper alternative. regards mark
Apr 13, 2010
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mark- that would be great if you could let us know, as im a newb im trying to find everything out about products like this as i dont want to be getting sold rubbish and trying umpteen different products :)

parksy- the comment.haha
Mar 2, 2010
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Bought some at the NEC because the promo girl made us 2 balloon figures for the grandchildren(nothing to do with her being very attractive)it works well hasnt stained have used it for a fortnights holiday in Holland with no funny smells and very pleased 40 doses might be optimistic but not that far off.
Feb 21, 2010
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i started a post about Toilet Chemicals in March... someone told me to try OneChem. I have seen it in our local caravan store and now its at The Range. I dont seem to use much, so very economical, smells good and dont have to have 2 huge bottles! Try it Mark (also a range of cleaners) now i sound like the OneChem sales promo!lol
Feb 21, 2010
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i started a post about Toilet Chemicals in March... someone told me to try OneChem. I have seen it in our local caravan store and now its at The Range. I dont seem to use much, so very economical, smells good and dont have to have 2 huge bottles! Try it Mark (also a range of cleaners) now i sound like the OneChem sales promo!lol
Yes ... and that post got very heated! There is something about Toilet Chems that gets them all going...pardon the pun!
Mar 14, 2005
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mark- that would be great if you could let us know, as im a newb im trying to find everything out about products like this as i dont want to be getting sold rubbish and trying umpteen different products :)

parksy- the comment.haha
Danny, see my remarks above, after using the stuff for 6 months.


Mar 17, 2007
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we got a bottle at the nec. First outing, went to use it; toilet cassette gone! (previous posting). Second outing- upended in front locker, blue stuff everywhere (I blame OH, not putting lid on properly)I can confirm that it doesn't stain wastemaster covers, gas bottles, levelling blocks, various tools, the tubing that you use to fll the aquaroll, mallet,or pegs. It did stain the wood panel at the bottom of the locker.

Can't comment on its usefulness in the loo.

Doubt we're going to get the 40 doses now.

Apr 10, 2019
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Don't post much on here but purchased 2x1ltr bottles on Ebay for £16. I put a couple more ml in than recommended (like my gin measures) and have to say it's bloody good stuff. Also used the 40 shot pink top tank and blue waste in the past which is also good. It's not going to break the bank at these prices so give it a go


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