Porch or Awning?

Mar 14, 2005
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I am looking to buy an awning and am thinking about getting a porch awning and also an annexe for it instead of a full awning. Question is, are porch awnings easier to put up in comparison to a full awning, as I want to use an awning for weekends and also for longer hols by adding an annexe. If the porch is easier which is a good one at a reasonable cost? I am interested in the new Dorema vitesse xl
Aug 4, 2004
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We have a Dorema Madison full awning and a Bradcot porch awning. The full awning is easier to put up than the porch awning and less time consuming. I am not familar with the Dorema porch awning.
Mar 14, 2005
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I've used both, full awning and porch. My full awning comes in 5 pieces and, with all the front and side panels taken out, it is relatively easy to put up, if a bit cumbersome. My porch awning did not have removable panels and, although it was smaller than the full one, it was actually more of a hassle to put up. That's why I changed to a Scenic Porch awning. They have been given a good write-up by the contributors to this board, but you won't be able to add any annexes.
Mar 14, 2005
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We thought that a porch awning would be less trouble to erect, but in fact found the opposite was the case and of course gave us far less room, so quickly sold the porch!
Dec 16, 2003
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We have used both for many years and have found that they tend to take as long as each other for different reasons. the full awning usually goes up with no problems if it isn't windy. what takes the time is all the pegging, curtains and extra poles. the porch awning canvass goes in quicker but the time is taken up trying to get a tight fit for the poles against the van. so overall they work out the same. the porch awning though is very much easier to dry out at home if it has to be taken down wet.
Mar 14, 2005
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Andy, have to echo the views here - bought a porch awning and it is harder to erect than a full awning and gives less space - so much so that we have not used it in the past two years.


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