Practical Caravan Magazine FA|O Nigel Donnelly

Jun 20, 2005
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Hi Nigel
Just wading through my October issue and wondered just how much time , people, effort, organisation etc goes into each copy. I imagine timescfales are crucial.

Any chance we could have a future article on what make PC Mag tick?
Aug 2, 2006
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Sorry for the slow reply - didn't see the thread. I'll look into the idea. Might be a nice thing to do, particularly during some of our busier periods.

I often wonder how we get a magazine out of the door when the whole team is stationed up at the NEC for week, or how we go to 8 caravan launches in four weeks and there is still a a magazine at the end of it. Timing is crucial, as is a hard-working team of people who are experienced magazine makers and are caravanners. Or happy to become one.

We have got a feature coming up shortly explaining how the towcars are tested. We use the old Chobham Armour test track at Longcross and compare two cars back to back, using satellite tracking equipment for recording the braking and acceleration data while towing. Being in a controlled environment allows us to do evasive lane change testing at speed which you can't do on the road. Not legally anyway...

If I think it could be interesting enough to cover the rest of the mag's work, I'll tack it on. Just for you DD!


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