Practical Caravan Magazine Offer

Sep 29, 2016
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I am thinking about trying the 3 issues for £3.00 offer as advertised on the home page on this forum.

EDIT: The offer was not on this forum but on the Practical Caravan Magazine web page, sorry mods, pleas remove post if desired.

I went through the order process and find that I am being asked for bank account details, this raises some questions for me as there is scant information as to what appears to be a direct debit account being set up by Practical Caravan magazine.

1. Can I be assured that only £3.00 will be taken from my account, and that I am not automatically making a subscription payment for subsequent issues.

2. If I like the magazine then I may take out an annual subscription, if I do not want to continue receiving the magazine then I do not want the onus to be on me to inform Practical Caravan that I do not want to receive further issues of the magazine.

3. I do not want to find that I am subscribed to further issues without my explicit instructions.

4. If I am to be automatically subscribed to further issues of the magazine then I do not want to have to remember to cancel a direct debit if I care not to receive further issues of the magazine.

Can someone in authority at Practical Caravan please advise, sorry to ask but I think that the Practical Caravan Magazine magazine offers should be more clearly explained and not require interpretation.

Below is a screen print of the payment form, I could not find any clarification elsewhere on the 3 for £3.00 magazine offer.

Sep 29, 2016
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I phoned Practical Caravan Magazine.

Special offers have to be accessed via setting up a direct debit, and it is up to me to remember to inform them of cancellation so as not to automatically incur a 6 month subscription for more magazines, I would also need to remember to cancel the direct debit with my bank.

The special offer cannot be paid for by any means other than setting up a direct debit, but if you buy an annual subscription then this can be paid for by credit card etc, not sure at all what the payment methods are for 6 month subscriptions.

I will pass on the 3 mags for £3.00 offer, I try to limit as much as possible direct debit accounts, all in all it is not worth the potential hassle for me (because I would forget to cancel if I did not care to continue with the magazine), perhaps a good intro to the magazine for others though.
Nov 16, 2015
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I am going to cancel my yearly subscription to PC, I never really read it, and can get all the info on the website forum. Ai will wait until the offers to new subscrptions come up with a free gift that I woouold like, re subscribe, and then cancel again.
Nothing given to faithfull followers.


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