The Subday Times travel section 10th May included an article with a summary of motoring law in the various european holiday countries.
The introduction included :..."and in France (scarily) vehicles joining the autoroute have priority "
I suppose the very old "priority to the right" convention would give such a situation, but i cannot recall any instance when travelling in France over the past 20 years when a slip road did not have a "give Way" sign or equivalent as you would expect.
I have however, had plenty of instances where vehicles joining from the slip road behaved as if they had the priority - they can't possibly be right, can they ?
The introduction included :..."and in France (scarily) vehicles joining the autoroute have priority "
I suppose the very old "priority to the right" convention would give such a situation, but i cannot recall any instance when travelling in France over the past 20 years when a slip road did not have a "give Way" sign or equivalent as you would expect.
I have however, had plenty of instances where vehicles joining from the slip road behaved as if they had the priority - they can't possibly be right, can they ?