Question for CliveV

Mar 14, 2005
Part of an earlier discussion raised the issue of the advisability for disclaimers to avoid possible legal recourse in the event of information given incorrectly. Just out of interest, perhaps you can tell me if or how I would be affected as a non UK-resident.
Mar 14, 2005
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That is a good point Lutz - and one I do not know the answer to. I am only aware of how the law is evolving in England and Wales ( I have only have a few Scotland but know that due to the Scotish Assembly - many laws have a slightly deferent interpretation there even though the basic are the same - I just have to be careful when setting up a trust that we use the correct wording depending upon which side of the border the client resides) The law is not just what is set down in writing it is governed by case law as well. If someone on this Forum "took a shot at you" your case could be the first and so set down the case law for future cases.

I do however have clients in France and Spain and i have to be careful to ensure that any advice given is technically given on UK soil. (I get very bored with Gibralter)

What I do know is that the French authorities (incidently for all the EU bluster - France is the most protectionist country in the EU) will take me to taske if I give advice in France and rely only on my UK registration.

Certainly your being a non UK resident would add a further dimension if an issue arrose. What those issues might be I cannot say.

But I would suggest that whatever they may be now or in the future (bearing in mind that the EU does seem to be encroaching further into our daily lives {I am not a Europhobe! far from it}) you would be well advised to add a simple disclaimer to your helpful advice and recommendations.

The disclaimer in the Forum etiquette section clearly states that PC take nor responcibility for the content of this Forum. Thus the onus therefore falls clearly on us all to be responcible for what we write.


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