Question for Lutz


Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Lutz

Long time, no speak, hope you are ok.

You mentioned in a previous post (when someone was asking about movers in order to get their caravan up a slight slope onto their drive), the possibility of using a winch.

Could you elaborate please, what I mean is, would you have to use a motorised winch? How does a hand winch work? Does a winch have to be attached to a wall or something?

Any info you could give would be useful as we have to negotiate a very slight incline but it takes one person to manouvre the front of the van and two or three to push from the rear.

Many thanks.

Jan 9, 2008
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If I can dare to jump in.

Winch needs to be bolted to something fixed firmly to the ground or a heavy vehicle.

Hand operated would work but would be very slow process.

12 volt Battery vehicle winch is ideal. We go out in a friends boat in Cornwall and the trailer is parked in the way you describe Lisa using a winch to get it up a steep incline on their drive.


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