Read Before Posting - Forum Rules

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Apr 9, 2019
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26 October, 2020 - Find the newest forum rules linked here.

Welcome to the Practical Caravan Forum Community!

Thank you all so much for taking time to participate in the ongoing discussion here in the forums. We’re very excited to provide a place where you can share your thoughts with like-minded enthusiasts from across the globe! Before you begin, however, there are just a few rules of the road to make sure you're on the same page as everyone else.

Membership: Why Should I Become A Member?
Becoming a part of our community is free, and you get top-tier access to the latest discussion, news, and information, as well as being able to respond in the forum or comments section.

How Do I Create an Account?
Creating an account is simple! Just click the link titled “Register” in the top-right of the main forum or comments section and it will take you to account registration.

How Can I Confirm My E-mail?
Once you register with a valid email address, a confirmation email will be sent to you. Be sure to follow the instructions in the email to confirm your account, and check your spam folder as sometimes the email ends up there. Be sure to confirm your email as soon as possible to receive updates when your questions and comments are responded to.

How Do I Subscribe or Unsubscribe to E-mail Alerts?
Alerts are automatically sent to you when someone replies to a thread you have replied to. You can change this in your account settings.

How Do I Publish a Message/Comment?
While browsing the forums or articles, you can click "Post a New Thread", "Ask the Community" or any variation of "New Thread" to pose your question or start a discussion, or “Join the discussion” in article commentary. Fill in the appropriate boxes, be sure to pick select the correct category (where appropriate), and then click “Publish My Thread” / "Submit". It's as simple as that.

Are there Rules for Posting?
We expect all users to adhere to our Rules of Conduct (see below) for posting discussions, questions, and polls. Our community team ensures that forums and comments are moderated and kept safe and clean.

Why Hasn't My Thread/Response Received an Answer?
The first thing to do is to review your question/comment. Was it properly worded and the issue or take concisely described? Is the topic in the right category? Sometimes questions or discussions may not receive an answer right away, or at all.

How Are the Forums/Comments Moderated?
Our forums and comments are moderated by a team of exceptional volunteers under the supervision of the Community Team. Community quality is closely monitored to ensure a civil, safe, and friendly environment for discussion.

Can I Become a Moderator?
Moderators are chosen from long-time members of the community and selected for their maturity and jurisprudence in dealing with difficult posts. They are appointed on an as-needed basis and are selected with the approval and recommendation of existing moderators and staff. If you show exemplary patience and maturity, and have been a helpful, contributing member of the community, rest assured that it will be noticed and taken into account when new moderators are needed.

Why Have I Been Banned?
Moderators ensure that the Rules of Conduct are being followed by users on the forums and comments sections, and will ban individuals that present a danger to civil discourse. If you've been banned, chances are that you weren't obeying the Rules of Conduct. Most bans are temporary and last only a few days, but major infractions may result in a permanent ban from the Community. If you feel that you have been unjustly banned, please write to with the details and we will review the matter.

Rules of Conduct

The Rules of Conduct are general guidelines for users within our community. We pride ourselves on being welcoming to users of all levels of expertise, from novice to guru, and all levels of enthusiast following, from the beginner to the long-time fan. Follow these simple rules and you'll have a great experience here on the forum.

Please do...
  • Keep criticism constructive! If you disagree with an opinion, explain your point of view, but never attack the other person.
  • Search the site and/or forum before posting. Someone else may have already answered your question or discussed the topic. Checking for duplicates can help save you time.
  • Read the Stickies/Pinned Comments!
  • If asking a question, provide as much in the way of details as you can to help other members answer.
  • Use formatting to improve the quality of your post or comment. A well-formatted post is easier on the eyes and receives more responses!
  • Report violations of these Rules of Conduct to our Moderation Team by clicking the "Report" button below the comment.
  • Be sure to post your thread or comment to the forum category or article commentary most appropriate to the topic, so others can find it easily.
  • Utilize “MRI,” for Most Respectful Interpretation of a fellow member’s intent when reading their posts.
Please don't...
  • Be rude or impolite. You are free to disagree with our Editorial team, or other members of the community, but remain civil. Remember that behind each user is a real person. Personal attacks are not allowed against other members, staff, or moderators.
  • Post attacks against specific brands or companies in an effort to shame them with your experience. Take specific complaints directly to that company so they can work with you to resolve it.
  • Engage in, or discuss, any illegal activity on these forums. Regardless of the circumstances, it is expressly forbidden to use this community to promote or celebrate behaviors that are illegal.
  • Post in ALL CAPS or use excessive punctuation!!!
  • Share personal information publicly, including your email address.
  • Post empty threads, throwaway comments, or responses that contain no content. Don't bump posts, claim "First!" or give single-word replies.
  • Hijack a topic. Keep to the original subject matter. Do not post off-topic threads/comments in categories or on articles not set for that purpose.
  • Spam or encourage spam. Commercial spam is handled with a zero tolerance policy. No posting links to any commercial service or product if you are personally affiliated. Official representatives may be present, but will be expressly indicated from their profile. Do not post /comment to advertise or promote.
  • Abuse the forum or commenting software by attempting to game the system through voting, reactions, or any reputation component functionality. Use is closely monitored and investigated.
  • Use long quotes when responding to messages - only quote as much of the original post as necessary.

Specific Rules

The following activity is expressly prohibited within our community:
  • G.R.A.P.E.S. (guns, religion, abortion, politics, economics, sexuality) subject matter discussion is prohibited, except where these topics are expressly covered in articles posted by the Practical Caravan Editorial staff. The moderation team reserves the right to remove any such posts and take action as warranted.
  • Do not use obscene or offensive language in these forums, or attempt to bypass profanity filters. Our moderators are the sole arbiters of what constitutes offensive language, as it varies over time according to cultural circumstances.
  • Harassment, threatening, embarrassing or insulting other users, including sending unwanted messages, attacking/denigrating race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc.
  • Try to police the grammar of other users. Focus on the intent of the post rather than trying to shame users for differing levels of comfort with communication.
  • Hate speech is not permitted. You may not post or distribute any content that is harmful, abusive, disparaging, racist, homophobic, sexist, sexually explicit, defamatory, infringing or invasive of privacy.
  • Trolling, defined as knowingly soliciting negative responses simply for shock value, and disruption of the natural flow of discussion through vulgarity, spamming, flooding or other means.
  • Impersonation of others or posting comments from multiple different accounts, a.k.a. sockpuppeting.
  • Phishing. If anyone asks for personal info like your email address or password, use the Report option to call it out to us. This is a zero tolerance area and we'll take action as quickly as possible.
  • Uploading or linking to files which contain viruses or malware.
  • Necroposting (resurrecting very old threads or article comments).
  • We will not allow forum posts that attempt to publicly discuss specific moderator action taken. If you wish to contest a warning, please send an email appeal to Removed or locked threads were removed for a reason; please do not attempt to re-open them by creating new threads.
All content, including signatures, images, links, posts, and submissions are subject to these rules. Additionally, forum and commenting accounts are non-transferable. Actions taken by a user on one account may affect all of that user's accounts.

With these rules in mind, please have fun. Most of these guidelines are common sense, and serve to keep the forum/comments useful, safe and secure for everyone. We thank you for your cooperation and support in this, and if you have any questions, suggestions or feedback regarding the Rules of Conduct, please contact a Moderator or Community Staff.

We’re happy to hear your criticism (and encourage it!), but unfounded allegations of corruption, payola, or bias are neither constructive nor welcome and will be removed.

Neither Editorial nor Community Teams have any control over which ads are served on the site. If you do encounter an ad on these forums that you believe to be invasive or inappropriate, email Please include what region of the world you live in, what operating system and browser you're using (whether on phone or PC), as well as a screenshot of the issue, and what the ad is promoting. That info will help us find the offending ad quickly so it can be removed.

Avatars should not be obscene, display excessive violence, flash enough to be a danger to epileptics, or defame any individual, group, party, or company. Failure to comply can result in your right to display an avatar being revoked. Moderators are the final arbiters in determining when an avatar is inappropriate or in violation of the guidelines.

Where applicable, if signature content contains forwarding links to either past or present websites that have caused problems, your signature privileges will be suspended. Please ensure that if your signature contains links, that they are not in violation of our commercial spam policy.

Video Content
We encourage the posting of videos! They can be very helpful and having a visual aid can be very beneficial for some people. Here are the guidelines for posting videos, provided this option is available in the forum/comments.
  1. All videos posted should include a text description of what the video contains. This doesn’t have to be very long, but a sentence or two will let people know what they are about to view.
  2. When posting a video as a solution or reply in somebody else’s thread or article commentary, the video must be relevant to the discussion.
  3. Threads for standalone video content (reviews, unboxings, gameplay videos, etc) are permitted, but please ensure that they are posted in the correct category or relevant to the article posted.

Who do I contact if I have a problem or question?
The Community Staff and Moderation Team are happy to provide help with any technical questions you may have. For problems that fall outside the norm (disputes with moderators, issues with the site, forums, or commenting systems, or to appeal a ban), please send an email to and somebody from the Community staff will reach out to you as soon as possible.

Terms, Conditions, & Privacy

The policies herein are the contractual requirements for admission and participation in the forum and/or site comments. You agree to comply and are obliged to comply with the rules above and in the following policies when joining and using a Future plc Forum and Commenting Software, and Future plc reserves the right to suspend or remove your user account and/or access without notice should a user fail to comply with any of these policies. You acknowledge and agree that, by accessing or using the services or by uploading or posting any User Content, you, your heirs, and assigns (collectively, “you”) are indicating that you have read, understand, and agree to be bound by these Terms. If you do not agree to these Terms, then you have no right to access or use the Services. All activity and participation within the forums and commenting sections are covered under the Future plc Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and Cookie Policy.

Future plc reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to remove any User Content, block access to the forum and/or commenting system, and/or cancel the account of any user.
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