rowntree park cc site yorkshire, bookings

Feb 15, 2006
hi just thought i would let you all know that you can only book this site monday-friday only. all the weekends between now and new year are booked by the weekenders.

i wanted to take mine for a week but i cant what a bummer

Mar 14, 2005


Apr 23, 2005
Yes this dosn't only apply to this site but also to many others, you only have to look at the cc booking site to see this. One of the problems with caravan cc as opposed to the CCC is that they do not take deposits. This means that (in my view at least) many people are block booking weekends without risk of monetary penalties if later on they cancel some. Also I think that people coming long distance will be less likely to do so for a weekend. Surely it must be more sense and fairer certainly for popular sites such as these to delay weekend only booking until say February so that longer stays get priority up to this date instead of blooking people who would prefer a longer stay.
Dec 27, 2006
Currently at Rowentree park and there are many vacant pitches as they have had quite a few cancelations this week due to the weather, short notice I know but anyone looking for this weekend , could be worth phonning the site direct


Good idea, but unfortunately I suspect it will not get you anywhere. They will respond with the usual guff about how they are doing evrything possible to accomodate everyone and suggest you call the site direct. Of course you cannot do that until the very time you wish to travel, so if it is still full, then tuff luck as they say.

Possibly part of the problem is that there has been a lot of information stating that more and more people are caravanning and camping this year due to the recession and many have decided to book as much as they can...just in case. Of course, if the weekends turn out to be rain soaked, they probably will decide to stay at home.

Until the CC changes its system we have to live with it I am afraid. The C&CC runs a thing called' eating locally' etc where it recomends buying local produce and suppporting local shops. If the same locals turn up on local sites every weekend, then they have already shopped at the local supermarket and the community gets no extra revenue from outside visitors.
Jun 4, 2007
Read today that CC club say their advance bookings for 2009 are up 40% on last year!

Says 50,000 bookings were made in 5 days in Dec.

Sounds like the CC club are providing what people want and very successfuly.

More sites needed perhaps.

My front drive is available in July and August, with hookup!
May 15, 2007
I actually prefer the beechwood grange site to rowantree, it's moe spacious and not so busy---- i have heard that if you have a bus pass you can use the park and ride for a reduced rate, maybe free ! worth looking into?


I agree with Bob, I have used the Beechwood Grange site a number of times, partly becaue the Rowantree one was always full. It is a pleasant site and being close to the Ring Road, does not have the hassles of narrow approach roads that the Rowantree one eveidently does, at least according to the CC. There is also a Park and Ride half a mile away although as I do not have a Bus pass...yet, I cannot confirm whether or not that would be an advantage for that reason..

However, while I sympathise with Jo-anne for not being able to visit Rowantree when she wishes, possibly she can look at all the alternatives, and not be too downhearted.

Firstly, if Rowantree is so fully booked, then she will not have to live 'cheek by jowell' with a crowd. It is unlikely that every weekend there will be totally new people staying, so I suspect a large number book it regularly and probably meet similarly minded people. At least she will miss having other van occupants glaring at her for daring to use one of 'their pitches', and will be able to chat with other vanners, without possibly feeling she is encroaching on a private Club.

I agree with Bob and suggest she try the Beechwood Grange site. It is also far more convenient for seeing the Yorkshire Moors, which in my opinion, are far more interesting than grubby York. Pickering is just up the road, a lovely market town and of course is the terminus for the North York Moors Railway, which young and old thoroughly enjoy. The Station Hotel in Grosmont does excellent fish and chips, which is something the dirty and overpriced pubs in York have yet to learn.

So, look on the bright side. Jo-anne may not be able to stay in Rowantree but there are better alternatives available.
Mar 14, 2005
Hi, All the popular CC sites are booked most weekends, not just Rowntree Park which is very popular due to Its location. I have visited Rowntree for the last three years but have had to sit at my computer in December for a couple of hours to get access to the booking system. So far, ive been lucky I hav't been at work on the day, work shifts. I couldn't be bothered to put the steadies down for Fri - Sun!!!! The site is just a 5min walk into York and I havn't found any problems with the access, egress providing you adear to the times for said.

Just take a look at the Clumber Park bookings, thats also very popular for the weekenders. When Ive been there, the site fills on Friday and has loads of room again on Sunday and thats in March.

Afraid there is no easy answer to it apart from restricting weekend only bookings to perhaps two or three weeks before the date. Suppose then people would book a week and cancel a day or two on arrival. None returnable booking fee may be the answer except in certain circumstances. Im sure if enough people realy complained, the CC would have to do somethig about it.

Jun 20, 2005

Unfortunately we have to live with the weekend hoggers. In principle however they are just as entitled to book a weekend as you are a full week. However the CC have slipped up by allowing 100% weekend allocataion so early into the season. If they had allowed say 50% weekends and 50% for longer periods , only reallocating the balance of longer priods to weekends up to say 4 weeks before arrival, that may help.

I still want to know how many weekends get cancelled or become no shows. I'm not in favour of deposits but wish to see a more fair distribution of pitches and less abuse by those who continually reserve weekends just to cancel or no show as it suits.


Jan 30, 2009
I have had the same problem as everyone else trying to book Rowntree Park, but have managed to get in once or twice, the last time I was there I was talking to another member who told my he booked every other weekend and then cancelled if they did not want to come, as it did not cost anything to do this. I am certain that he is not alone in this, and that this is part of the problem. In this age of computer booking would it not be posible to check this, and stop taking bookings from members who have cancelled more than 3 times in one year.

Jun 20, 2005
Ian said

" In this age of computer booking would it not be posible to check this, and stop taking bookings from members who have cancelled more than 3 times in one year".

Fully agree. This will hopefully go some way to stopping the weekend hoggers hedging their bets at the expense of everyone else.


Jun 25, 2005

Rowntree cc is noted for being booked up early for weekends. It has large cities eg Leeds etc within easy towing distance hence popular for weekends. In the past we only managed to book in once for a weekend. We like others prefer Beechwood Grange cc, access is easy from the ring road and you have park and ride as mentioned not far away, parking in York is a nightmare and very expensive. Beechwood Grange also seems to have more space,a more relaxed atmosphere. Before we moved we used to stop there between 3 and 5 weekends per year. There are also a few pubs not far away which do food, one has a kids play area outside. For us Beechwood Grange wins every time over Rowntree.

Jun 4, 2007
I do find this term 'weekend hoggers' rather strange. I take it this is the same as 'week hoggers'. So that makes us all 'hoggers'

'Working people' who book for their time off at weekends and 'people who don't work so much' and are able to book whole weeks.

Both sets pay the the same fees.

Both sets probably book even amounts of nights over the year so are all equally as valuable 'hoggers' to the club.

Both sets have the same opportunity to book on the same booking system so every one has the same chance of getting what they want.

Oh I forgot, the booking system opened at 09:00 on that fatefull day in December, so the 'working people' had less chance of getting on the interwebnet or the phone than the 'people who work less often'.

If a 'weekend hogger' cancels 3 weekends, thats 6 nights cancelled, If a 'week hogger' cancels 1 week, that 7 nights cancelled. I take it that 'Week hoggers' don't ever have to cancel.

Perhaps the suggestion that 'weekend hoggers' are penalised for canceling 3 booking should also apply to 'week hoggers' who cancel 1 week.

'Weekend Hoggers' who cancel actually do a service in a way as they provide later booking availability to people who arn't in a possition to book early. That's availability for 'week

hoggers' and 'weekend hoggers'.

Last year I booked a number of apparently full sites at the last minute by just phoning. I managed every break in every site I wanted when I wanted it. Mind you not sure if I will be so successful this year if the booking are 40% up but that's no problem, there are plenty more sites to use instead. And after all the Hoggership fee is only
Jun 20, 2005

I did my time, have been a weekender and a weeker. I too have suffered until recently the "no choice " of pitch because the early bird weekers beat me to it.Equally , and hopefully your day will also come.

In fairness there are two types of people using the CC sites .

1. The weekend Hoggers

2. The decent members

Members tend not to book a string of say 10 weeekends on the basis they may only use 3.

The Hoggers do the opposite.

It is not the weekend bookings per se that are the issue but moreso the apparent selfishness of the few , who for want of a better word abuse the system.

I have said before that inspite of some very good ideas from a number of members the CC seems happy to allow the problem to continue.

Ian's suggestion appears very reasonable and does try and cater for all.

I've gone past caring now and have discovered a myriad of excellent CL's around the country. I am more than happy to use all my facilities on board. That's why I have a toilet and shower.


Jun 4, 2007
you say:-

1. The weekend Hoggers

2. The decent members

I suspect that this statement sums up the problem. The all too common generalisation and the inconsiderate attitude of one group of people to another. "if it's not the way I do it, it must be wrong"

Ian's suggestion manifest this in suggesting that weekendhoggers should be penalised, but of course that must apply to everyone, so the 7 nights you are forced to cancel would exclude you from further bookings. Hmmm sounds like a shot in the foot to me.

As I point out, Hoggers of all denominations have the same opportunity to book. It's very easy for one group to blame another for the lack of availability when the answer would have been to make bookings just like the rest of the hoggership.

It looks like you make the system works for you by being flexible and using different options like CL's. It works for me because I made my bookings (3 days after the opening date) in dec.

Blame culture rules OK.
Mar 14, 2005
We stayed here this year for 2 weeks -

Coastliner bus every half hour, bus stop at site entrance - OAP bus pass accepted. Monks Cross shopping centre approx. 1 mile away - Asda.

Very friendly and helpful site owners, excellent [newish] site, quiet with good facilities.
Jun 20, 2005

"It works for me because I made my bookings (3 days after the opening date) in dec.

Blame culture rules OK"

This was the Bun Fight that most people didn't want to be part of. A Club is for all members to have fun. I've modified my aspirations and in fairness whether I ever get onto Rowntree Park or Chatsworth is no longer of any consequence to me. As I said it has done me a big favour because of the new discoveries I have made.

Now , are you truly one of those members who book 10 weekends and then cancel 7?? LOL. I honestly think not from what I read of you but unfortunately those type of members do exist.


Jun 4, 2007

I did like many others, I knew prime time is always at a premium and booked as soon as convenient. I Booked eveything I neede comprising weekends, long weekends and weeks totaling about 20 days throughout the year.

It was no bunfight, I don't do Queues, it was just online booking, took a little longer than normal as I timed out a few times but not a drama.

I have to admit that I will probably now cancel 1 week booking as my son who I was intending to visit is moving back home. Do they ever fly the nest? :-( , but that's just life and it's the sort of flexibility I joined the CC club for.

I suspect your correct that some people do abuse the system by overbooking, but it would be unfair to pigeon hole them as a group as 'weekenders'.

Lets Shake a Dusty Paw and move on - ;0) - Rob
Jun 20, 2005

I did like many others, I knew prime time is always at a premium and booked as soon as convenient. I Booked eveything I neede comprising weekends, long weekends and weeks totaling about 20 days throughout the year.

It was no bunfight, I don't do Queues, it was just online booking, took a little longer than normal as I timed out a few times but not a drama.

I have to admit that I will probably now cancel 1 week booking as my son who I was intending to visit is moving back home. Do they ever fly the nest? :-( , but that's just life and it's the sort of flexibility I joined the CC club for.

I suspect your correct that some people do abuse the system by overbooking, but it would be unfair to pigeon hole them as a group as 'weekenders'.

Lets Shake a Dusty Paw and move on - ;0) - Rob
Woof woof. Paw shaken Rob. Try the CLs so much less hastle.


Apr 23, 2005

Not that I really want to enter the cut and thrust of this argument because I am a great believer in the saying "If u can't beat em join em" but come on hand on heart would u have embarked on your impressive programme of bookings quite so enthusiastically if you had had to leave deposits for each of yr bookings?
Jun 4, 2007

I hadn't intended to get involved on this one again, but I thought I should reply as you have clearly not read my posts properly.

You say "your impressive programme of bookings"

I have twice refered to 20 days which equates to a 2 week summer holiday and a couple of weekends. Not an exagerated amount of booking I would suggest.

You ask " would I have booked if I'd had to pay a deposit"

No I wouldn't, If you read my posts this is already made clear.

I've stated " it's the sort of flexibility I joined the CC club for" I would not join the club if they charged deposits as I wouldn't be able to book anything until the last minute and it would be all gone especialy this year with 40% increase in bookings.

I am a mere mortal who in December just before Christmas does not have the money to support a family, pay for Christmas and then pay for deposits for breaks up to 10 months later.

I envy people who can afford to.

The booking system is equal at the moment in that we all have the same oportunity to book when the system opens.

It may be that better off people who advocate deposits for the CC club would like to bully the less well off out of the equasion leaving more for themselves, but I suppose sadly that's the way life works nowadays.

This will be my last post (Places Bugle to lips :)) on this topic to avoid a non constructive argument.
Jul 15, 2006
Due to personal family reasons we have just had to cancel Rowntree Park on 6th March for 3 nights and just before that Chatsworth on a super pitch, 3rd March for 3 nights so if anyone wants to go then they may just be able to get those pitches if you are quick!!


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