Rust Spots forming on rear panels

Aug 5, 2023
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Can’t believe it! Decided to wash the caravan for the first time, whilst on our holiday pitch.

Brand new 2023 caravan and already seeing rust spots forming on a rear panel purchased Oct.

This is appalling on a split new caravan we just paid just under £40k for :mad:

Will need to check our warranty but presume we have something like a 5-10 year paint warranty?

Has anyone else had this issue on a new caravan and what have you done?

Jan 20, 2023
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While that certainly looks like rust (ferrous oxide) the trim is aluminium and won’t corrode like that so it could be steel inclusions have got into the aluminium during extruding (not unheard of). Certainly should be sorted under warranty, I would push for the rail being replaced as if it is just cleaned and repainted it could resurface later.
Nov 11, 2009
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Well I never cease to be surprised at what arises on caravans. Certainly looks like rusting and it’s random and restricted to a single member. Need to contact dealership with a view to the member being replaced. Certainly not repainted.
Mar 14, 2005
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I have seen red rust spots on a caravan many years ago when the manufacturer had run out of the stainless steel screws and had used ordinary steel screws from the inside and had touched the aluminium outer skin. , however the spots were regularly spaced and corresponded with the fixings. Clearly this is not the case in Saxo's case, where the spots are random. It certainly gives the impression the area where they have appeared is not aluminium but more likely poorly painted steel.
Nov 30, 2022
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An angle grinder used in close proximity could have a similar effect by the hot metal sparks landing on the aluminium rail then rusting
That was my first thought when I saw the pictures as well. A bit if Super Resin Polish or similar should sort it all out.
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Aug 5, 2023
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Well including the spot rusting, we have noticed a few other issues internally :confused:

The toilet door is shaped like a boomerang (slight exaggeration) but still bowed, the drawer under the bottom bunk bed is also bowed, and the panel which is under the main double bed has a fixing which keeps popping off. All as pictured.

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Jan 19, 2002
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I concur with Mr Plodd and would try some high quality polish to see if it’s surface marking and will buff away. Hope this is the case as I too can’t see why aluminium extrusion should ‘rust through’ the white finish.
I think the dealer should be sorting out the internals - as you say you have invested plenty of hard earned and don’t expect to be applying DIY to sort out shortcomings.
Good luck!
Mar 14, 2005
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... I too can’t see why aluminium extrusion should ‘rust through’ the white finish.
I think the dealer should be sorting out the internals - as you say you have invested plenty of hard earned and don’t expect to be applying DIY to sort out shortcomings.
Good luck!

Just out of interest, If the panel involved were aluminium, then it shouldn't have red brown corrosion as aluminium Oxide is white. To find out if the panel is steel rather than aluminium, try to see if a magnet is attracted to the panel, Aluminium is not magnetic.

I fully agree the supplying dealer is liable to get all defects sorted.
Nov 30, 2022
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Just out of interest, If the panel involved were aluminium, then it shouldn't have red brown corrosion as aluminium Oxide is white. To find out if the panel is steel rather than aluminium, try to see if a magnet is attracted to the panel, Aluminium is not magnetic.

I fully agree the supplying dealer is liable to get all defects sorted.
No- one is going to use a steel panel in a caravan, far too heavy.
Sep 23, 2023
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Or very thin (shim steel) also I assume no other trims have similar marking.The best solution I think is to take it back to where it came from...Also it may have been damaged at the factory or the trim supplier and not shown up until exposed to the elements
Mar 14, 2005
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No- one is going to use a steel panel in a caravan, far too heavy.
From the pictures the area is a slim infill panel. Rather than dismissing the idea perhaps allow the OP to test it if they want to. Aluminium simply should not produce red rust unless it has been compromised by a feric component.
Jan 20, 2023
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As I said earlier, steel Inclusions in aluminium extrusions aren’t common BUT do happen. I work in the cable accessories/cable joining industry and some of our bolts are made from hexagon aluminium extrusion. 15 years ago we had “rusty” aluminium screws and it transpired that the billet used to make the extrusion had steel contamination in it. Unlikely in the OP’s case but “anything’s possible”.

Whatever the cause, it’s frustrating in a new/expensive caravan.