Scam Alert

Mar 17, 2020
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Had a phone call about an hour go which cut out the moment I accepted the call. Silence, no dial tone or any other sound.

(Thought little of it - my wife always tell me the caller will ring back or leave a message if genuine!)

Received a text a few mins ago from same number: +44 331 630 1945. I've added a pic of the text to this post.

This the first time I've encountered this type of scam and thought it might be useful to flag up for forum members.


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Mar 14, 2005
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We have had the same supposedly from 02 , it was particularly annoying as at the time we were having problems with 02 and thought they were trying to fix the phone,eventually changed to 3 and so far no more iffy calls.
Nov 30, 2022
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Getting ever more devious aren't they! If you call that number you probably get a whacking great charge added to your bill.
Interestingly yesterday, when on a WhatsApp phone call with my son in law who is in the Falklands, I had three different phone call alerts come up from three different numbers. I dismissed all three and have had no subsequent voicemail notifications or follow up calls from any of them :unsure:
My phone rings about once a fortnight normally.
Nov 16, 2015
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I had a text msg about a month ago, from an unknown what's app number, stating" I have changed my phone tariff , dad, can you call me. On Normal phone line"
I sent back Who is this?
Reply was, your son.
I sent back which one? And what is our dog called.
I didn't get any more texts,
I sent the number to SCAM. ( 7266)
Mar 14, 2005
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The same number has been reported many times on "Who Called Me" and most reported it from a scam about eth Housing Disrepair Team.

So very much a scam number.
May 7, 2012
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There are a number of scam call blockers, if you google this and having tried them they do seem to work well.
My sister did fall for the scam Hutch referred to. Her call did say son, so she said which one and got "your favourite one". She does have two sons, but knew where one was and assumed it was the other who might find the answer funny. He also lives 300 miles away.
She tried to ring his mobile and got no reply and did then send some money, only to find her son had not replied because he was on a plane to Italy. This was a business trip and he flies there regularly and which he had not mentioned.
The idea of the dogs name is good although just asking the son his name should sort it.
Mar 14, 2005
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I was scammed a few years ago when I got email message claiming to be from our local priest (whom we knew well) claiming he'd gone abroad (which he did quite regularly) and had been mugged, loosing his passport phone and cards and travel tickets. He claimed he needed £1800 to cover his hotel and travel costs.

I was initially sceptical and checked the email address which looked right, and I asked him to confirm the name of my eldest daughter, which came back correctly. so I tried to send what was asked for However the bank prevented from sending more than £400. - thank heavens.

He emailed came back asking for me to do the same again, There was just a hint of something suspicious in the way the request was made so I sought more proof of who was asking. I had worked with him as A Governor at two local schools where we had appointed several new members of staff over the previous year. One candidate whom we didn't appoint had a very notable storey, so I asked for the name of the failed candidate. The scammer couldn't answer so I then realised it was a scam.

I do not use Facebook or other social media becasue I value my privacy, but I can't stop others from mentioning names and places and events, so I guess the scammers got my family relationships from other peoples facebook postings.

Take care out there as you cannot be certain your not already compromised by others.
Jul 18, 2017
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SCAM FURTHER INFO RE TYPES AND A BIT OF INFO ON CARE. Fairly big, but I learned about some things . Did you know that there are companies offering assistance for a fee to scammers to get us ?

For a monthly subscription fee, Labhost granted criminals access to malware to help them commit attacks against individuals and organisations. Police said the platform led to criminals stealing 480,000 credit cards, 64,000 PIN codes, and over 1 million passwords. An estimated 70,000 Britons fell victim to Labhost's tricks, but similar platforms have conned countless others. Such numbers could continue rising as artificial intelligence develops and provides more sophisticated methods for digital thieves.

Why UK consumers are vulnerable to AI-enabled fraud
  • Phil Rolfe, a financial crime expert at consultancy Valcon, says the UK is particularly vulnerable to AI-related fraud for two key reasons. Firstly, the English language - as it is so widely spoken. Secondly, Britain is a wealthy country full of people with significant savings and investments. Statistics on AI-enabled fraud are hard to come by, but fraud itself has been soaring for some years, partly since the Covid-19 pandemic led to people spending more time on their computers. Overall fraud offences across England and Wales jumped by 46 per cent to 465,894 in the year ending June 2023, according to banking regulator UK Finance. Here are a few ways criminals use AI for financially nefarious purposes. Growing threat: Overall fraud offences across England and Wales jumped by 46 per cent to 465,894 in the year ending June 2023, according to banking regulator UK Finance
  • Phishing A term originally coined by hackers, phishing involves con artists sending emails or texts with links to malicious websites that, once clicked on, download a computer virus or encourage people to reveal their personal details. It is the most common form of AI-enabled financial crime, almost as old as the World Wide Web and only becoming more advanced. Rolfe says the old style of phishing was basically 'a sweatshop, for want of a better phrase', of criminals using email address lists and stock email phrases and 'just cutting and pasting and sending'. If someone took the bait, they would then be targeted by a person higher up the criminal food chain. But, with AI, criminals can now run their phishing scams off one powerful machine. They could also additionally write copy free of the spelling and punctuation errors that have traditionally made phishing harder to pull off.
  • Voice cloning: Researchers at McAfee found that it took just three seconds of a person speaking to create a copy with an 85 per cent resemblance to their original voice
    Voice cloning
    Imagine you are a British chief executive. You get a call from someone you think is the boss of your firm's German parent company asking you to transfer €220,000 to a Hungarian supplier within one hour. Given the request's urgency, you deposit the sum and receive a call later that day saying the UK business has been reimbursed, but the money never arrives. That happened to one UK energy boss in 2019, according to the Wall Street Journal, which said the criminals may have employed voice-generating software to accomplish their bold heist. Although not as prevalent as phishing scams, voice cloning certainly grabs many headlines. And, like phishing, it is becoming more sophisticated. Researchers at McAfee found that it took just three seconds of a person speaking to create a copy with an 85 per cent resemblance to their original voice, or 95 per cent with a few audio files. As so many people's voices are online, whether on social media, podcasts, or films, scammers can replicate virtually anyone - especially politicians, celebrities and high-profile executives.
    Deepfake videos
    When mixing a near-perfect voice clone with 'deep learning' to make a real person appear to utter something they actually never said, you have a state-of-the-art tool for tricksters to exploit. Deepfake videos are cheap and easy to produce and are growing more popular with fraudsters; a survey last year by Regula, an IT services firm, found 29 per cent of businesses had fallen victim to them. One multinational in Hong Kong lost $25.6million after a digitally recreated version of its chief financial officer asked an employee on a video conference call to transfer some money. The staff member was reportedly asked to introduce themselves and told to execute the transfer before the call was abruptly ended. They then kept communicating with the scammers via messaging platforms, emails, and phone calls. Only after the cash was transferred did the employee and unnamed company realise they had been swindled. If a large business could lose such a vast sum, imagine how vulnerable individuals are to losing their life savings because of a doctored video.
    Forged documents
    Unlike cloning and phishing, the history of faking documents goes back thousands of years. The Romans even had laws banning the forging of records that transferred land to heirs. With AI, algorithms can replicate minor details of documents, including pictures, watermarks, holograms, microprinting, and signatures, simplifying the step-by-step process for criminals to create false but credible forms of identification. Rolfe thinks 'any teenagers doing a computer science degree' can probably forge a gas bill with fewer identity checks than are needed to open a bank account. Their ability to perpetrate document fraud has been made easier by the extent to which their digital-native peers share information online. A poll by identity verification platform IDnow in February discovered that nearly half of 18-24-year-olds had sent identity documents through less secure channels, such as email, social media, or messaging apps. More concerning, 45 per cent knew that sending scans of their documents via these channels could be used by criminals to commit fraud, but a third did so anyway.
    How can you protect yourself?
    Fraud will likely remain endemic, regardless of how much the technology to combat it catches up with the criminals. Even the most technically-literate people are susceptible to AI-employed scams nowadays due to the sheer volume of such crimes taking place. Rolfe admits that he was recently caught out by a fake DocuSign email, although he realised quickly enough to change the password on his computer before anything terrible happened. His advice to avoid becoming a victim of AI-related fraud is not to rush and ensure you perform the necessary checks. So, if you receive a random call, text, or email asking you to transfer a large sum of money within a short space of time or to hand over your personal information, be immediately suspicious. Check the number or email address that sent the message to confirm its legitimacy. Look at the branding to see if it resembles a real organisation. If you receive a peculiar message from a relative or friend, contact them by another means or ask them to call back. Should it be a family member on a phone call, many security specialists suggest you have an agreed secret 'safe word' that can be repeated in emergencies or ask very personal questions to which only they could know the answer. And as IDNow's survey attested, any financial details should not be given via text, email, or phone until the recipient's legitimacy is verified and security measures like complicated passwords and two-factor authentication are implemented. As Rolfe says: 'All you can do is try and be alert to these things, and if you have a question or you're not quite sure, then I'd much rather you spend an extra five minutes asking whether it was the right thing rather than just getting on with it and getting caught.'
Jan 3, 2012
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I too got a call on my home phone saying we are from your bank but i was suspicious the number did not match so my wife went in and checked and they said some customers had given there bank details and money before they realize it was a scam.
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Nov 11, 2009
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I too got a call on my home phone saying we are from your bank but i was suspicious the number did not match so my wife went in and checked and they said some customers had given there bank details and money before they realize it was a scam.
Wakey wakey BB you could have lost thousands by now. 😂😂😂
Oct 8, 2006
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The number on the picture starting 44 331 would only be charged at standard rate as it starts 03. It is a genuine dialling code however.
Jan 19, 2002
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Yesterday a similar message instructing me to contact TalkTalk on the number provided as they were processing my request to cancel my account, and of course 'Your Bank Security' about 2 suspicious transactions - which bank would that be I wonder!
We were told to be extra vigilant following MS outage last week - although the glitch seems to have been for business and not personal systems.
Nov 11, 2009
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Had an email from Microsoft on my main and fallback accounts. It warned me of unusual activity on my main account. I must have spent 20 minutes checking its validity and even then I did not use the provided link. Preferring to go in via my Login to the MS website. But I’d been locked out until I reset my password and used a subsequent activation link. I tend to be suspicious of anything with a link that could cost me financially.
Nov 30, 2022
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If anyone ever rings you purporting to be from your bank don't believe them. Ask for their name and if they are calling from ????? Bank (use a bank that you DONT have an account with). If they say yes then it's clearly a scam and tell them you are too smart to be fooled by a liar and hang up. If they claim to be from a bank you do have an account with advise them you will call back on a number you trust. Then use a different phone to call that bank. A genuine caller from a bank will not question that course of action.

NEVER EVER give out ANY account details. If a genuine call the caller will already have those details. If they ask for them again tell them you are too smart to be fooled (or whatever message you care to give them) AND HANG UP.

A favourite scam is telling you that your account is compromised and yiu need to move all of your money to a "safe" account. That's ********°! Just tell them to "freeze" your account (which will take a couple of computer key strokes) and ypu will go onto your local branch to sort it out. DONT enter into any further conversation with the caller who will try VERY hard to keep you on the phone.

My motto these days is "Trust no-one, that way you wont get disappointed/scammed"
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Sam Vimes

Sep 7, 2020
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I posted elsewhere that I've had a hardware problem with my phone which has meant that I had to do a factory reset. Fortunately I had a back up of virtually everything. Except I discovered that I hadn't got a backup of my accounts that use the MS Authenticator App. Which meant I'd have to visit them and request the QR code again then re-establish the TOTP codes.

This should have worked but Microsoft screwed up again. I installed the MS Authenticator app again and entered my account name. Then I have to verify the account may have guessed....the app I'm trying to install. Rinse and repeat!

If you don't have the MS Authenticator app...which I'd subsequently can use MS Outlook to authenticate your account. Deja Vu. Outlook gets the authentication code but you need to log into your MS account to use it which you can't because thats what your trying to do. Rinse and repeat again.

Still haven't resolved this fully. Used a different authenticator app for all other accounts but still having problems with the MS Account.

Backups are crucial but the restore process can still be troublesome.
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Jan 3, 2012
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If anyone ever rings you purporting to be from your bank don't believe them. Ask for their name and if they are calling from ????? Bank (use a bank that you DONT have an account with). If they say yes then it's clearly a scam and tell them you are too smart to be fooled by a liar and hang up. If they claim to be from a bank you do have an account with advise them you will call back on a number you trust. Then use a different phone to call that bank. A genuine caller from a bank will not question that course of action.

NEVER EVER give out ANY account details. If a genuine call the caller will already have those details. If they ask for them again tell them you are too smart to be fooled (or whatever message you care to give them) AND HANG UP.

A favourite scam is telling you that your account is compromised and yiu need to move all of your money to a "safe" account. That's ********°! Just tell them to "freeze" your account (which will take a couple of computer key strokes) and ypu will go onto your local branch to sort it out. DONT enter into any further conversation with the caller who will try VERY hard to keep you on the phone.

My motto these days is "Trust no-one, that way you wont get disappointed/scammed"
I knew it was a scam because my bank only got my mobile number and they text me when we pay for holidays or bills and we always use telephone banking and they give me a code to authorize the payment .And like you i don"t trust no-one.
Nov 11, 2009
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We had a small win on a lottery so it a good job i was on the ball and my wife looking at ways to spend it like a new car and holidays .
Your Ford is relatively new and still under warranty, what new car are you looking at? Or is the Mitsubishi on its way out?
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Jan 3, 2012
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Your Ford is relatively new and still under warranty, what new car are you looking at? Or is the Mitsubishi on its way out?
We were thinking of upgrading my wife car Mitsubishi Colt she brought it in 2011 it was three years old (58 plate) and the MOT is due next month .


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