Severn Barrage

Mar 14, 2005
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What on earth is happening to this country and who actually is running it.

The government has proposed research into the possibility of a barrage across the River Severn to produce tidal power. This could produce approx. 1/5th of the country's electrical needs and do away with Hinkly Point neuclear power station and Aberthaw coal fired power station. What happens the tree huggers are objecting on environmental grounds and there would be a disruption to the wild life on the river and the Severn Bore would be destroyed. Nature will correct itself and so what a wave twice a year - big deal. Should have been done years ago instead of the second bridge - a road could have been constructed across it. It would also form a fantastic marina inside the barrage.

Wind farm proposed off the north Wales coast for generating electricity - residents on the coast objecting to it.

New power station to be constructed in Anglesy to replace ageing neuclear station - anti neuclear protests against it.

Gas fired power station recently constructed at Port Talbot - tree huggers objected to it.

Wood burning power station using old timber (not new forestation) to be built in Port Talbot on the site of the old docks - tree huggers protesting against it.

Scheme being considered to pipe Welsh water through middle England to the home counties to try and prevent further summer drought in that area - tree huggers objecting to it.

Pipe line laid from Milford Haven to middle England for conveyance of gas - tree huggers objected to it and delayed the scheme for weeks.

What form of power do these people want or should we go back to the dark ages to satisfy their looney ideas. And this is only in Wales - God help us if the rest of Britain was to suggest similar schemes - the tree huggers would have a whale of a time.
Aug 8, 2007
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It's called a democracy.

If there was something happening in your neighbourhood and you didn't like the sound of it, you'd complain.

Like if you lived in the area suggested for the new terminal at Heathrow.

And quite rightly so.
Mar 14, 2005
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Yes we do live in a democracy but it seems the same people who are protesting and shouting at whatever proposal is being considered for future power. It appears that they just want to stir the proverbial and make themselves heard for the fun of it. Either that or they do not want this country to prosper because that is the way we will end up if we listen to them. I think a barrage across the River Severn is a brilliant idea and will provide clean power for many years to come and apart from routine maintanence should be trouble free. The work in constructing it and the potential leisure/tourism that could be generated after in one of the country's largest marina would be a further benefit to society.


It's called a democracy.

If there was something happening in your neighbourhood and you didn't like the sound of it, you'd complain.

Like if you lived in the area suggested for the new terminal at Heathrow.

And quite rightly so.
here here.....
Nov 29, 2007
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I think Colin has a valid point. Whilst I wouldn't want a coal fired power station at the end of my road energy has to be generated somehow. The tree huggers have to decide if they want 'green' energy or not.
May 25, 2008
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" It's called a democracy "

We live in a Democracy, We have an Elected Goverment who have been placed in power to guide the Country through whatever.

They have decided Nuclear Power along with the Barrage is the route to take, to safeguard the Power Supply of its Citizens. If you try to overthrow the Elected Goverment through unlawful practice you are a terrorist or close to supporting anarchy. Democracy can't be Selective you obey it all or leave.
Feb 25, 2008
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The problem that the "Tree Huugers" have is that they want us to return to a pre-industrial society. They seem to have this image of a British paradise before the industrial revolution came along and destroyed everything that they hold dear. Unfortunately we don't live in the 18th century with it's diseases, infant mortality, etc. and a population of 25 million. We live in the 21st, with a population of 65-70 million, where people expect to live until they are 80+ with a good standard of living that was previously only available to the wealthy aristocracy. This means that we need a reliable energy sourse to drive the economy to create wealth for everyone. Wind power is just not reliable enough. Tidal power may be (well at least twice a day!). Nuclear is presently the most likely answer to our energy needs. Across the channel, this form of energy supplies about 75% of French requirements. Such power stations are not confined to coastal sites but are located where they are most needed. If our governments had 'grasped the nettle' 25years ago we would not be in the situation that we are now, in that we will have an energy shortfall. We currently import French nuclear energy to make up this shortfall. For many years coal fired power stations, mainly located in the Trent valley, have supplied our energy needs. (The Trent valley was referred to as 'kilowatt Valley', with power stations located every twenty miles or so).

Now it is the turn for other places to bear the burden.

Michael - Derbyshire
Jul 3, 2006
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Whilst I agree mostly with Colin, I disagree strongly with Gas fired power stations, Gas is by far the most convenient cheap fuel for home heating. Neuclear is definitely out as is coal in all but rural areas, to use up the gas reserves to make electricity when there are other means of doing so is wrong. converting gas into home heating is about 70-90% efficient, Gas - electricity - heating is only about 30% efficient
May 25, 2008
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Don't worry folks the Yanks will come to our aid now that Obama has decided the States will be Green. Fusion will be with us in 10 years if the American want it to be. Remember you read it on here first.
Jun 4, 2007
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Get on with it now it say. Put vast numbers of people back in work, save lots of companies and generate clean energy to boot. Ignore the planning stuff. Compulsory purchase by the end of next week and start work on the roads by the end of feb.

Dont employ Polish of Italian workers and don't hand the building or generating contract to the French.

Oh and while we're on the subject lets start digging out

the footings for 4 new Nuclear stations in Scotland that should stop our reliance on Russion gas and imported oil. End of April should be good.

Lets get cracking on the new runway at Heathrow by the end of March

Thats new Jobs for Scotland, South Wales, the South west and the south east.

Major contract to BRITISH Telecom (note the British, not France telecom) to upgrade the Countries digital networks to run superfast braodband, we could orhanise that from the Midlands and the North.

Cap senior bankers income at 75k

Oh and lets have a new Government who can make these decisions inside 10 years.

The country will be back on it's feet by end of August.
Mar 14, 2005
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With the workers protesting today in the north east, Scotland and south Wales regarding the employment of foreigh workers coming here when there are British workers out of work but capable of doing the work I can see both UKIP and BNP making big inroads at the next European/general/local elections. Gordon Brown made a statement late last year at the start of the recession that British jobs were for British workers - where is he now to support his words.
Aug 10, 2008
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There are 5 million British people living abroad, I will say that again, 5 million. Only 20% of those are of retired age! that means almost 4 million are working abroad!That does not actually contain those that live here but work abroad on short 6 or 12 months contracts, otherwise the figure would be even biggar

Now tell me, how many foreigners are working here? Full time all the time? And if every other country applies the same stupid logic that some would like to be applied here, then there would already be so many more unemployed here, included those daft bats on the picket lines, who would be competing with better trained ex pats being force to return here!
May 25, 2008
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Management will be rubbing their hands today, no need to pay the workers out on strike. I wonder why it was Friday they decided to walk out a long weekend perhaps ??? I have contracted all around the World and never seen the nonsense that we have here. Scottish jobs for Scottish people, Welsh jobs for Welsh people etc etc.

This smacks of the Thick being led by the Thicker

ps Why did no British Company tender at a decent price for the Job ?? maybe they couldn't Guarantee a Completion date!!! due to the poor record of British Construction workers.

I did notice the refinery is owned by a French company oh and the one been built at Milford Haven is owned and financed by an American company Global Environment
Aug 8, 2007
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It's nothing to do with putting in a decent tender. Immigrant workers are paid less, therefore, the greed which is inherent within the system exploits this.

I think workers should be angry about not gaining contracts - but it's down to management, shareholders and greed.

I'm surprised someone hasn't come out with the 'send them all home' rant, a catch-it-all statement that seems to inhabit this sort of discussion.

Apr 22, 2006
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Mark your post is not quite accurate in that a tender was put out and various companies quoted.

The best price tender was accepted as is required under European law.

You are correct in that the labour is probably being paid at a lesser rate than a UK based worker may seek.

Non of this is done purely for profit and if things go to plan you should see a lot more of this as the intigration of Europe continues. This is after all what is meant by having equal living standards through out Europe.

Or did some just think they would get more pay and longer holidays.
Jun 4, 2007
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While the Government sits on it's hands blaming European law for this fiasco, the taxpayer is shelling out hundreds of thousands in benefits to people who live locally who could be employed at the site.

From what I understand the jobs were not advertised localy so who knows if the skills were available at the right price.

What sort of society will we end up with where people living in the UK cannot get jobs in their own country because greedy businesses bring in people at lower ( presumably legal) rates from places where the cost of living is lower.

I work for a large company with British in the company name who have moved thousands of jobs to India, so the government gives aid and assistance to India using the taxes paid by people being made redundant and losing their homes.

Can you imagine this happening in France, the farmers would be revolting blocking motorways and ports and everyone else would have a national day of demonstrations. Strange I thought they were an EU country as well.

I sure that if a British company in Britain was caught discriminating against an Italian job applicant they would be in front of a judge smartish, but when British people have not even been given the opportunity to apply for jos in their own back yard - well thats ok.

It's no wonder the Pound is crashing, the UK must look like the softest bunch of mugs on the planet at the moment.


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