Site about 25 miles north of Newcastle

Jul 25, 2010
Hi everyone. I have just got home this afternoon with my wife after five days away to a site in a village about 25 miles north of Newcastle.

When we first got to the site we were early, arriving at 11:30am and finding out that the people on the pitch did not need to vacate it till 2pm. Very unusual as most sites want you off at 10am. We parked up and went for our dinner in the club house. The dinner was lovely. Anyway, after that we had a walk round the site which is split into four sections. Two are for the statics, one for seasonal and one for tourers. It has a big area for a dog walk.

We eventually got set up on the pitch which happened to be pitch number one which was right next to the enterance into the field. There is 16amp electric and water on the pitch with a grey water disposable point also. Toilet block is nice and clean, but I only saw them cleaned on a morning not on the afternoon. Privacy cubical and showers. The showers had the old push button control which gave you about 30 - 40 seconds before going off. Plenty of hot water though. In the same block there is a vegetable preperation room and disabled toilet. (not in the same room). There is only 25 pitches in the touring area but a lot more in the seasonal area and there was no more toilet bocks anywhere. So only four toilets for about 80 - 100 units.

There is a nice area for the kids to play in with swings ans that bark stuff on the floor. A games room for the kids, launderette and club house. There is a seperate room for the kids to be entertained in set aside from the adult bar, children were still allowed in there till 9pm.

Now then onto the twisting part of my review. Being next to the gate onto the touring area I expected some traffic noise so I will let that one go for now. We had kids running past the caravan banging on the back of it when they were taking shortcuts. Dogs are allowed on the site. Owners let the dogs foul on the main area but did clean up after them. I still think though that there will still be some muck left on the grass (where kids roll about) and there is still the urin from the dogs. There were a lot of taxi owners there, all with the taxi signs on them. A couple of builders wagons (ford transit type), security firm cars. All of these vehicles had company markings on them. On a night things were no better as far as noise goes. Dogs howling, kids shouting, cars in and out(taxis). Someone on a night would block up one of the toilets with paper so this left only three to go at. One last thing, the bar staff would serve the regulars before the touring guests even if you were at the bar first. The van next to use would play scotish music very loud you could not hear your own TV. Some one was complaining about the noise from the seasonal pitches and had gone to tell them to turn it down.

So with kids, dogs, taxis, builers vans and unhelpfull bar staff I would not recomend this site to anyone. The grass was cut regular though but the rubbish bins are emptied once a week and were over flowing. There was no recycling bins so everything went into the general waste bins.

I do accept that children do play and are loud. This is totally acceptable up to 10 oclock at night. After that they should be quiet. Dog owners should be more aware of what they clean up and how to do it. Even walking round on a morning you would see where dogs had fouled and the LAZY IGNORANT owners did not bother to do anything about it probably because it was dark and no one saw them.

Sorry for such a negative review but I feel people should know of these types of sites. Granted the price during the week (mon/frid) is only £15 a night and £21 over weekend, but still I wont be going back there any time soon. Its a shame really because it is only one hour from my home and easy to get to. My back went off as I was packing up the van this morning so I just managed to get into the car and my wife went into the reception with the key cards for the gate and would not complain. I have wrote a letter to them and explained all that I found wrong. So lets hope they do something about it.


Nov 12, 2009
Raccoon had included the name of the site in his review as well as the location.

I edited his post so that the name of the site does NOT appear.

In naming the site the forum rules were broken, I informed Raccoon via email and he accepts this.

If you are thinking of staying at a commercially run site about 25 miles north of Newcastle you should be able to work out the name of the site.

Don't Forget that you could always contact Raccoon ;0)
May 25, 2008
Phone the local council who will have issued the site licence. Difficult to moan about toilet numbers every van probably has a toilet !!!!!
Nov 4, 2008
Phone the local council who will have issued the site licence. Difficult to moan about toilet numbers every van probably has a toilet !!!!!
Hi there Racoon. Yea there's some real monster sites out there and as luck will have it you inevitably end up on one. I have entered a few bad sites and can spot a baddun within seconds of entering the gates, the taxis and transits combined with a grotty clubhouse would have rang alarms and i would have turned straight around and out the gates wether it was late or not. It was obviously a commercial site taking in tourers and there can be very unsociable characters in them, your lucky you still had all your equipment left untouched when you pulled your pitch. Dogs can be a big prob as the sites fill for the summer, I was on Skye this month and some owners left there dogs tied up and barking for hours whilst their owners sat next to them reading and drinking turning a deaf ear to the noise, another dog was tied up on a long leash and it lurched in attack mode at anyone that passed its owners tent snarling and snapping and that included children,its owner would come out occasionally to pat and cuddle it as if praising its behaviour which encouraged the dog to do it again and again....unbelievable !!!


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