Great boon though Skype undoubtedly is when touring, I have recently found a snag which may be of interest to others.
When contacting a bank, the initial dialogue using selections from PIN numbers etc. went fine, but later on in the process, in an operation requiring more use of memorable and security information, the bank said that Skype was not considered secure and that their system would only accept input from a secure touch-tone phone.
This was a considerable nuisance and Iforgot to ask whether a mobile was ok, although the length of call required via a mobile would have been very expensive - Vivaldi does not come cheap.
Has anyone had this problem and is there any way round it ?
When contacting a bank, the initial dialogue using selections from PIN numbers etc. went fine, but later on in the process, in an operation requiring more use of memorable and security information, the bank said that Skype was not considered secure and that their system would only accept input from a secure touch-tone phone.
This was a considerable nuisance and Iforgot to ask whether a mobile was ok, although the length of call required via a mobile would have been very expensive - Vivaldi does not come cheap.
Has anyone had this problem and is there any way round it ?