Solar panel

Jul 18, 2017
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Although a generator would be ideal unfortunately it means storing fuel plus of course the fumes. One that works off gas maybe better, but again unsure of fumes.

We are thinking about a 100-200w solar panel to recharge the 12v battery at home and maybe other uses. It will need to be "free standing as our roof faces east so not ideal. When at home it will be mounted in the garden on a stand as the rear garden gets the most sunshine during the day even in winter. We already have the old controller from the caravan, but it is not MPPT.

A bit hard paying about £200 for an item that you will probably only use in the winter although it could be used during the "summer for the very rare power cut. No rush, but thought it may come in handy as past winter we had a very long break in power and nothing to do with a severe storm.
Jun 16, 2020
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What is the battery for? Is it for home back up in case of power cuts. If so, 10 watts might do. But why not just use a smart charger unless your power outages are very often.

Jul 18, 2017
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What is the battery for? Is it for home back up in case of power cuts. If so, 10 watts might do. But why not just use a smart charger unless your power outages are very often.

It was for the caravan, but now used at home for emergencies. Mainly for long power outages. The AGM battery can drop down to about 11v after a few hours so may need a good charge.
Nov 30, 2022
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When you say your roof faces East I assume that's your house? But the panel won't be going on your house roof will it?
I have a 100w panel flat on my caravan roof with a non MPPT controller, it's in shade most of the day (and nearly all day in tge winter) but it still keeps my 110ah battery fully charged all year. Remember a solar panel requires light not necessarily  sunlight (bright sun is best but nit essential by any means,) and, for the vast majority of the time, there will be no drain on your leisure battery anyway so even a small output from your solar panel will be mkre tgan enough for your batterys needs.(unless you have an alarm which will draw a little, but still not that much.)
A solar 100w panel will NOT supply your house with anything other than 12v and pretty low wattage at that.
For what it's worth I would suggest you put a 100w panel on your caravan roof, use tge controller you have and just let it get on with it!, You can always "rescue" tge battery from the caravan when needed (quick release clamps would be worthwhile)
If your AGM is dropping to 11v that quickly then you are either using rather a lot of lights (you are using LED's arent you?) OR your AGM is nearing the end of its life
Dec 27, 2022
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I would just bite the bullet and install a full solar system with battery for the house with the ability to power some of the house when there is a power cut. Even an East/West facing roof will work.
Yes it will cost £10k but will give you a return of about 10% on that investment.
Jul 18, 2017
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When you say your roof faces East I assume that's your house? But the panel won't be going on your house roof will it?
I have a 100w panel flat on my caravan roof with a non MPPT controller, it's in shade most of the day (and nearly all day in tge winter) but it still keeps my 110ah battery fully charged all year. Remember a solar panel requires light not necessarily  sunlight (bright sun is best but nit essential by any means,) and, for the vast majority of the time, there will be no drain on your leisure battery anyway so even a small output from your solar panel will be mkre tgan enough for your batterys needs.(unless you have an alarm which will draw a little, but still not that much.)
A solar 100w panel will NOT supply your house with anything other than 12v and pretty low wattage at that.
For what it's worth I would suggest you put a 100w panel on your caravan roof, use tge controller you have and just let it get on with it!, You can always "rescue" tge battery from the caravan when needed (quick release clamps would be worthwhile)
If your AGM is dropping to 11v that quickly then you are either using rather a lot of lights (you are using LED's arent you?) OR your AGM is nearing the end of its life
The solar panel is for home and not the caravan as the caravan has a 100w solar panel on it with MTTP controller. The battery is there for the 12v portable strip lights plus radio and TV. The radio does also work off batteries. A test using an inverter, a 240v light, plus Freesat box and 32" TV dropped the voltage down.
The battery was recharged and it is still holding the charge. The same 6 year old battery has on two different occasions dropped down as far as 6v and recovered okay.
Jul 18, 2017
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I would just bite the bullet and install a full solar system with battery for the house with the ability to power some of the house when there is a power cut. Even an East/West facing roof will work.
Yes it will cost £10k but will give you a return of about 10% on that investment.
Cannot afford a £10k system so that it out the window. LOL! :ROFLMAO:
Nov 30, 2022
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How about getting a second 12v lead acid battery? You could then charge up your AGM and, when full, charge the LA one as well, thereby greatly increasing your "reserve" supply.
A Freesat box doesn't draw much current, a 32" TV doesn't draw much either, is your 230v light LED rather than fliurescent? A flourescent, via an inverter, will draw more out of your battery than LED,
Jul 10, 2024
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Although a generator would be ideal unfortunately it means storing fuel plus of course the fumes. One that works off gas maybe better, but again unsure of fumes.

We are thinking about a 100-200w solar panel to recharge the 12v battery at home and maybe other uses. It will need to be "free standing as our roof faces east so not ideal. When at home it will be mounted in the garden on a stand as the rear garden gets the most sunshine during the day even in winter. We already have the old controller from the caravan, but it is not MPPT.

A bit hard paying about £200 for an item that you will probably only use in the winter although it could be used during the "summer for the very rare power cut. No rush, but thought it may come in handy as past winter we had a very long break in power and nothing to do with a severe storm.
I totally get where you're coming from! A solar panel setup sounds like a solid choice for your situation. No need to stress about those pesky fumes or storing fuel, right? Plus, having a freestanding panel in the garden is pretty sweet - you can soak up those rays even when the roof's not playing ball. And hey, even if it's mainly a winter thing, it's always good to be prepared for those surprise power cuts. Sounds like you've got a smart plan brewing there!


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