Some observations from our first longer stay away

May 20, 2024
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We took our 2024 Bailey Unicorn Cabrera away for its first longer, off grid stay at Latitude Festival in Henham Park, Suffolk for the weekend past.


My initial observations from the time away were:
  • Not all Baileys have bad build quality/fall apart on first use - yes, one of the blind clips fell off, but a bit of glue stuck it back in place. No other "Build faults" to speak of.
  • More than one aquaroll is a good idea.
  • Leaving a TV plugged in on standby uses a fair bit of battery charge - unexpectedly.
  • The shower pressure was excellent
  • Exhausting the fridge into the awning makes for a very warm awning first thing.
  • Solar charging between 6 & 9 am seems more effective than 4-7 pm.
  • Sometimes you need to boost the hot water when not on EHU.
We had a very enjoyable stay away. The fridge stayed superbly cold. We had no issues to speak of.

Thought it might be good to share a positive experience of the van when so many seem to have negative ones.

And of course, there was the noticing that there were a lot of Ford Rangers in use as tow vehicles. Maybe we need to look at that....


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