speeding on cc sites

Jan 6, 2008
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Just got back from Holiday. From Longleat, Exmoor house and Crossways CC sites. We all had a great time. But the only thing I did notice on all sites was speeding not just 5 or 10 mph over the 5mph speed limit but people doing above 30mph and more. Someone going to get killed. Also these aare people of an age group of 55 year and more who should now better you would think? I am 55 so there no ageisime here.

Middle pedal is the Brake. Best regards Steve.
Jan 28, 2008
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HI Stephen

It is not just a problem at CC sites. We are just back from a very good weekend at the Wicksteed Park CL site (Sun shone all weekend). People from one particular group of vans and tents seemed to think that the large grassy field would be a good place to let the kids drive across at highish speed, and also a good place to practise wheelspinning techniques!

However, we had to chuckle as people from the same group also used the tap at the elsan disposal points would make a great place to wash dishes. We thought they just didn't know what Elsan point means on the signs, but it appears they did, emptying there own Thetfords there before leaving....nice!

Still, Wicksteed Park was a great place to stay with the kids.
Jul 11, 2006
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Totally agree Steve, we have been on variouse CC sites around the country over the last few months and it is a problem.

I don't think it is confined to the over 55 age group, it seems to be all ages and both sexes, pherhaps we should all think about what the consequences of our actions could be a little more.
Jun 20, 2005
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Hi Stephen,

I hate to to say it but you are correct.

The last two weeks at Freshwater East , apart from the terrible weather, was the worst site for speeding I have seen.

Who were the worst offenders?

Well without wishing to be non PC I saw a grey haired chap, 70s, on a disabled pitch giving it welly and a younger bloke 40s with kids burning rubber. Once, the wardens did slow one of them down but why should a warden have to police these idiots?

I don't like humps in the road. Maybe the CC and other sites should give a speed warning hand out at time of checking in reminding drivers of the speed restriction. The penalty could be an immediate removal from site , no refund. LOL


Mar 14, 2005
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Stephen, speeding is not related to age. persons of all ages do it, and someto young to drive!

Alan, The wardens on sites are ther for two main reasons, teh first is to welcome and hopefully assist new arrivals with the selection of pitch, and connectino to supplies etc, and secondly because ther are plenty of people who do not think or who are deliberately anti social, that yhen need reminding of teh site rules.

Its a necessary evil.
Jun 20, 2005
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Hi John

Yes. But in reality it cannot be expected that a Warden polices the speedsters 24 / 7.

If that was a task then we would need more Wardens and up would go our subs and site fees.

There must be an easier way to stop the to$$ers from being selfish??


Jun 16, 2008
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I definately agree people are driving around sites way too fast. We stayed at Whitemead Forest Park twice throughout the summer (I think people call it summer) and although there are spped limit signs of 5mph and some speed bumps there are not enough I agree speed bumps are a nuisence but if it saves someones life the caravan parks need more.

We stayed at Brynich last week and it was even worse there, there are no speed bumps and as others have said it does appear that older people are the worst offenders, maybe I notice it more as I have two children ages 3 and 4, but caravan sites generally have lots of children around and more care is needed, assurely people can slow down and arrive at their destination a little later it only means seconds.

Take heed from this you people who seem to have so little time to get to entrance of the caravan park, or back to your caravan, it could mean a child's life.


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