status ariel

Jul 6, 2008
hi just got my van back after sending it in because i was getting no signal at all on my digital tv first i was told by the dealer that the areil would only receive analouge signals and therefore my freeveiw system would not work when i pointed out that my booster box says analouge and digital he then got me to speak to the manufacter of the areils who said that the probable cause was that we where in a poor reception area i told him that fot the last 4 weeks we had toured from grimsby to cornwall and could not get any sinnal at all they want me to take the van back so they can remove the unit to test it since the van is not yet a year old it is a coachman 520/4 what do you suggest i do i wonder if the unit is fit for purpose do you think there is any milage in going down that route any advice or thoughts would be apprecated thanks franklin
Jun 11, 2012
Hi Franklin. I am not going to advise you but what I will say is that we have been in areas where the status aerial comes out on its own weve have superb pictures and had a strong enough signal to pull in digital.

I hope this will help you make your mind up as what you want to do.

At the moment TV wise it would seem that the portable satellite system is the way forward we have one for the van and I have just bought one for home .

Good luck

Sir Roger
Mar 14, 2005
Two possibilities I can suggest.

1. Check the connections to the amplifier - we had a 'van where the electrician plugged a lead from the radio into one outlet, and the other outlet went to the 'second' TV position; swapping plugs sorted it out, 'our' TV position connected to amplifier and all OK.

2. With a meter, try and check for a dead short between the inner core of the plug and the case - it may be a careless bit of work lets a strand of the 'braid' touches the inner, either at the plug end, or at theback of the wall socket.

Hope this helps.
Apr 6, 2008

On my van I also have a status arial with a signal booster but I find this useless at receiving freeveiw,so I bought a status outside arial[looks like an old fashioned arial] and pole that clips on to the side of the van using the rails and this locates the freeview signal where ever we are,but one thing you should check is that on all vans there is a socket for an external arial and at the back of your internal arial socket you will find a co-ax cable for the status arial[on the roof] and a co-ax cable for one to connect to an external arial maybe they have connected your socket for an outside one and not attached it to the staus arial on the roof via the booster box.

Hope you understand what I mean.


Aug 28, 2005
i have found the directional aerial quite good , in fact we stopped overnight in Calais to catch the ferry next day , set the aerial up pointing north east and had very good picture with 4 English channels where as our neighbour had one of those round ones ,and there picture was grainy and no colour , one thing to remember is not all areas have freeview , also you get Horizontal and vertical signals , so use your little winder , when all fails with aerial i get the satellite out
Jul 6, 2008
hi thanks for your advise i have the van booked in for next thursday i will let you know the results franklin


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