Hello fellow caravaneers. Looking forward to the new season and have a question...
We have a Elddis Crusader with onboard tank. Any tips on sterilising the water system? I know the principle however struggle to work out how to flush the system through afterwards; the tank will not drain down fully and each year I end up having to use a small cup to scoop water out of the tank when draining.- slightly defeating the object! I suppose my question is will it be ok to leave the remaining residue of puriclean in the tank after flushing since I am unable to drain the tank fully? Thanks
We have a Elddis Crusader with onboard tank. Any tips on sterilising the water system? I know the principle however struggle to work out how to flush the system through afterwards; the tank will not drain down fully and each year I end up having to use a small cup to scoop water out of the tank when draining.- slightly defeating the object! I suppose my question is will it be ok to leave the remaining residue of puriclean in the tank after flushing since I am unable to drain the tank fully? Thanks