Stopping on route

Mar 17, 2005
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Not sure on the law but general advice is dont stop overnight and dont leave outfit unattended in laybys and Aires - there do appear to be some rougues out there - there are many sites within 5 km of major routes for overnight stops - depending on time of travel you may not need to book - you can find these in the CC Europe book and Alan Rodgers sites book and in adverts in back of Practical Caravan Magazine. Im sure if you post your suggested route people on this forum will give you some recommendations also. Just dont go to sleep in a layby or Aire!!! Happy holidays.
Mar 14, 2005
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I don't know about French law, but lots of people use motorway or main road aires for overnights even though this is not receommended by clubs and authorities for security reasons.

If you do stop in one, suggest you check you have a mobile phone signal and know the emeergency service numbers.
Mar 26, 2008
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Most main autoroute 24 hour service areas have caravan parking bays and some have seperate overnight parking areas.

We have used them for overnight stops quite a lot and have never had or heard of 1st hand problems.

But I would not stop in an unatended Aire for the night.
Dec 14, 2006
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Like Shady Sadie, we've stopped in the larger service areas - where you'll find lots of other caravanners doing the same. Some even offer hook-ups on a meter! Don't just stop by the side of the road, though, or you may be rudely awakened by opportunists, or by the gendarmes - either of which might be alarming!


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