Whilst exploring above the windscreen in my Sundance 580PR I found what appears to be the wiring for a reversing camera, could anyone tell me where they might come out at the rear end?
Reversing Cameras' are usually mounted at high level, is there any sign of any previous fixing points, centrally, above or below the joint between the roof & rear panels ?
Guess you are looking for 3 patched/filled holes, 2 for mounting screws & 1 for wiring.
You could put the question on the Swift Talk forum. http://www.swift-talk.co.uk/forum/topics/contacting-swift-via-the-forum http://www.swift-talk.co.uk
It's monitored by a team of their employees & they should be able to give guidance, IF the Reversing Camera was an original fit.
BUT it could be anywhere if an "after market" fit.