Hi Nick.
I love it!
There was also the time that an EO (Executive Officer) drew up the furniture layout for the data input desks, using the architect's plans. Unfortunately he used a 12" ruler and an HB pencil, and managed to get an extra row of desks along each wall. Nobody had told him about accumulated tolerances.
Then there was the gent's toilets in the tower block. Four urinals per room, but I suspect that they had been designed by a woman ..... or a dwarf. Mounted on the wall, low above the centre two urinals, was a huge cistern. If you were more than about 4ft tall, you had to stand about 12" further back than was decent.
In the 1960s I was on a SAM site in Malaya. The servicing hanger was specially built. The Bloodhound missiles were moved around on Lancer side-loading fork lifts, specially modified to dangle the missiles at varying angles. The fork lifts had no problems driving in and out of the hangers. But when carrying a missile, the tail fin stuck out about another three feet ....... If you remember there was a war going on in the Far East at that time.