The "Good Bye " Thread.

Oct 19, 2005
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Unfortunately the whole thread has been deleted.

What started as a reasonable statement soon became the most severly abused thread I have ever seen, and the variety of off topic argumentative comments thrown in , was totally unacceptable.

I have seen nothing as bad as this in a very long time, and from supposedly ADULT contributors.

I suggest people using the forum take a look at their postings before submitting them, not just type and post.

Some users do not like moderation, but having seen what develops I am rather moved in suggesting to Haymarket that they may, in fact, be better to go back to posts not appearing until after they have been vetted.

As for bringing very contentious politics into a totally unrelated topic, this is absolutely disgusting, and those who participated in that part of the whole mess should be ashamed of themselves.
Feb 13, 2006
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well mod 2 I followed this thread and seen nothing really offencive to complain about. Reasonable adults having a debate. Now if you would care to explain your reason thats fine, but your last post as to the reason why you deleted the whole thread is a total rambling. I for one am totally losing confidence in the Mods handling of this forum.
Mar 27, 2005
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The thing I don't understand is the need for people to broadcast the fact they are going. Just go. It's a shame if people feel they have been bullied into going but 'if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen'.

It appears these people are just looking for a string of replies to their thread from folks begging them to stay-very sad.

If people feel they or their threads are being abused or compromised e-mail the mod to deal with it, its what they are there for, I have in the past and it seemed to work admirably.

I recon its time all you guys and girls took a reality check on life and loosened up a bit.

For the benefit of Lord 'B' this was written in my grumpiest old man tone and with a great big :eek:)
Mar 14, 2005
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Thank goodness as I only post from work and very rarely at the w/e's I was spared the drama of it all.

I agree with Martyn

Disagree with Brian Bear
May 21, 2008
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I think what his moddy ship is realy trying to say is that, we have a broad spectrum of people both young and old, male and female. We sometimes should temper comments to suit.

You know the thing. You bash your thumb in garage and turn the air blue, but when "her in doors" is tending your injury you say "gosh that hurt".

And of coarse don't forget chidren (bless their inocence) might be reading the threads too.

Moderation is needed to chill the "hot heads". I've had a warning from his moddyship on one occassion and after reflecting on what I'd typed, I had to agree it was a bit over the mark. You see temper does throw caution right out the window.
Dec 16, 2003
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Once again on the edge of upsetting mods and others.

Adults ask questions here and post comments and Adults tow caravans.

My beef is that people read what has clearly not been said, and then posts are removed and the mods asks for comment on what has offended you when they have removed it.

If I upset somebody or say something out of turn, have a go exclude me or whatever. But when accused of saying things that even kids can see I and others have not said.

Who then has lost the plot!
Mar 14, 2005
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Yep - while their are people who read what they want to read so they can then go off on one regardless of any reasonable protest as to the truth or what was ACTUALY said, then problems such as this will always be here.

When you have people absolutely determined to be slighted, whatever the facts - what chance has good manners got?

As for people announcing that they have become so upset that they are leaveing! That is just like kids in the playground picking up their ball when they do not get their own way.

It's sad but some people are like that.


Unfortunately, the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle of the opinions posted on this topic.

Yes, people have a right to express their opinions, it is part of democracy and free speech. However, they also have an obligation to be polite and considerate to others. It is sometimes better to stay quiet rather than be considered a 'boor'.

People also have the right to leave the Forum if they wish, it is voluntary. It is also sometimes useful for them to state why they are leaving, if it is for reasons of disappointment, so the remaining members can decide whether there is something that can be changed to ensure others do not follow. The broader the spectrum of participants we have on the forum the better it will be for all, not just for a small minority. There are some topics which do cause anxiety amongst people and have often been the causes of wars, so concern regarding them is appreciated.

The primary 'raison d'etre' for this Forum is caravanning and associated issues, there is enough there to encompass the majority of our time. I also have concerns regarding the anoniminity, or otherwise of posts. The Internet is monitored, although I doubt that our procrastinations merit too much interest. However, I would not like to appear on someone's lists either by design, or by misadventure, that could cause me later grief.
Dec 16, 2003
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Well said SL !!!!!!!!!

But surely the height of manners and respect is to read others post carefuly and take care that your reply is based on what was actually said and implied ;-)


Agreed, but how many of us have made posts that come out slightly different from what we actually had intended? The 'heat of the moment' can make what seemed obvious completely obscure to another reader. It is also a case of sending an immediate respnse to what is seen as a perceived affront, when a period of reflection may indicate, that it was not really that important after all.

I have several letters on my hard drive to various Companies that I wrote in an evening describing their 'sins', and fortunately left till the following morning to send. On re-reading them I have frequently decided that it was not the appropriate way to respond.
Jan 19, 2008
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Can you re-post the thread please so I can make my feelings known :O) Hehheh

P.S. All topics should be able to be discussed in this forum in an adult way, not just caravanning issues. It would become a very dull forum if it was otherwise. What was said that caused the thread to be deleted, was it swearing?


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