Mar 28, 2008
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on a recent visit to a site near bridlington our van (2people)were drinking and talking with friends from the next pitch(5people)at 7.40 on a saturday night outside our van when people opposite asked if we could keep the noise down.we found this upsetting and talked to the owner who told is to ignore it but the night was spoilt as we were on edge and didnt feel comfortable i know some people dont drink but they should not spoil others fun.with sites you expect some noise but not exessive especially when the sun finally decided to come out after a day of drizzle, with vanning they sitting outside really makes the weekend but we accept noise should be kept to a mininum but surely not this early ,every site we visit we abide by the rules but let us enjoy our pastime please


Mar 14, 2005
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Anthony, I think you were unlucky with the people opposite you !!

The general noise rule, if I remember correctly, is no noise after 11pm and before 7am.

It is quite reasonable to enjoy company and not have your evening spoiled by that kind of request, at that time of the evening.


The general noise rule, if I remember correctly, is no noise after 11pm and before 7am⇦br/>

Unless you're rallying with the TCC - where you can sing and dance until after midnight.

(that's not the 'Teetotal Caravan Club', btw ;)
Feb 24, 2008
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OK. Yet another grey area. Whether its before 11.00pm or not, you were obviously causing a nuisance to those OPPOSITE you which suggests you were being quite loud. I too am not averse to a drink so don't misunderstand me, but I also live next door to neighbours who love the sound of their own voices and, even when in conversation with someone next to them, sound like they are using a megaphone.

On hot sunny days we tend not to sit in our garden or conservatory because they are so loud, its like they are in our home with us. They are the reason we bought our van in the first place, to get away and get some peace after working all week because we do not have that privilege at home.

I'd say an hour or two of frivolity is acceptable, after all we have to live and let live. However, how do we know you hadn't been sitting our there all afternoon and the people were tired of having your noise inflicted on them? You say "let us enjoy our pastime" but the people opposite were saying exactly the same thing. Nobody minds listening to chatter and laughter to an extent, but in my experience, once drink is involved people lose sight of what is acceptable - I don't think for a minute its done maliciously, but nevertheless it causes offence.

Perhaps you could have offered them to join you for a drink??

OK, fire away......
Mar 26, 2008
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If lounging outside the caravan quietly reading, other peoples noise can seem invasive sometimes.

I tend to plug in to my phones MP3 player, and enjoy listening to my choice of noise.
Nov 28, 2007
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We've been on site where some peoples idea of a quiet chat can be heard neraly all over the site, especially after a glass or two of wine. I'm a great believer of live and let live but sometimes a happy gathering going on next door can get really irritating if you've gone away for a peacefull weekend or got kids who you are trying to settle.

It's really difficult to assess how much noise you are actually making, your idea of reasonable may be someone else idea of hell - we always go out side the van when we've got the telly on just to make sure that it can't be heard more that about 2-3 feet from the van
Jan 19, 2008
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Something that I do find annoying is music being played when on site but thankfully most people feel the same because it doesn't happen often. When it does though I find it grating, especially if it's not my kind of music. Not all are into jazz or classical. I go away for the peace and I much prefer to hear the natural sounds like the birds singing or bees busy buzzing going about their work.
Feb 24, 2008
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Something that I do find annoying is music being played when on site but thankfully most people feel the same because it doesn't happen often. When it does though I find it grating, especially if it's not my kind of music. Not all are into jazz or classical. I go away for the peace and I much prefer to hear the natural sounds like the birds singing or bees busy buzzing going about their work.
You're quite a softie really aren't you LB?
May 5, 2005
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they must have been pretty peed off to come over and tackle 7 of you about your noise.I would rather have moved than risked a row with two vans of people.I'd love to hear their side of it
Mar 28, 2008
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to deli dave i think you have misread the post we are not lager louts we are all in our forties sat having a normal chat and enjoying our pastime.with regards to our drinking we had only just cracked the wine open we wasn't drunk my opinion is if people want extreme quiet they should go on 5 van pitches.if we were causing a problem surely the site owner would have warned us,my child has grown up but we dont chastize children having fun and being slightly loud it comes with being on a site what caters for all ages and all people should be allowed to enjoy themselves
Aug 28, 2005
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some friends were packing there kit away last Sunday morning ,it was after 8 AM the site was near Scarborough and they had a long journey back to Bognor Regis , when the next caravan door opened ,and a women poked her head out and said ,do you know what day it is ,my friend said its Sunday we are just getting ready for Church , but to me he said what a miserable old cow
Jan 19, 2008
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Something that I do find annoying is music being played when on site but thankfully most people feel the same because it doesn't happen often. When it does though I find it grating, especially if it's not my kind of music. Not all are into jazz or classical. I go away for the peace and I much prefer to hear the natural sounds like the birds singing or bees busy buzzing going about their work.
I am Val ... just like a teddy bear .... heh! heh! heh!
Nov 28, 2007
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There are some people who just make a noise whatever they are doing - totally unaware of the effect they are having on others. I can get the van ready without making a noise and shouting instructions etc, especially early on a Sunday morning.

Perhaps your friend should actually think about others and try to make a little less.


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