Tip for cleaning mastic around outside lockers

Jun 19, 2014
I Googled the above and someone suggested brake cleaning fluid because it evaporates and does not leave a residue. Thinking brake cleaning fluid may be a tad harsh on the surrouning paint work and decals I compromised with WD40 and a stiff bristled tooth brush. It worked a treat getting rid of most of the black grime. The toothbrush I used was a special denture brush which has longer bristles. (I dont go to the dentist any more I just put my teeth in the post) I also use these for cleaning around the various nooks and crannies in the kitchen at home. The WD40 can was the one with the new lift up tube system which is much better than the old red tube that you bunged in the cap.
In the furure I may try Swarfega as this too should lift all the dirt out and be less runny.
May 24, 2014
Tried toothpaste before, the ones with the added whitener and had a decent enough result. Leaves a slight powdery residue easily washed off with cold water.
Mar 8, 2009
Wd40 will clean your mastic --- but it also dissolves it/removes it. -- Be very wary of using WD for that purpose, you may well regret it.


Nov 12, 2009
foggydave said:
. (I dont go to the dentist any more I just put my teeth in the post)

That one made my morning! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Jun 19, 2014
Gabsgrandad said:
Wd40 will clean your mastic --- but it also dissolves it/removes it. -- Be very wary of using WD for that purpose, you may well regret it.

I have been out to investigate and I do not seem to be afflicted with Saggy Mastic. Not a nice thing to catch I can tell you. I always wear protection as at my age as anything that becomes 'saggy' tends to be permanent.
For protection I wear brown paper bags on my feet, for my hands Marigold gloves with a rather fetching floral design, and for my knee I use Jim Yakamoto's Patented gentlemans knitted knee warmers with whale bone lining.
I use the 'knee' singular as my wife uses the other warmer for her piles. (Thats emeroids for aristocrats not piles for peers)

THINGY quote [Tried toothpaste before, the ones with the added whitener and had a decent enough result. Leaves a slight powdery residue easily washed off with cold water] end quote.
Ah 'Thingy' Its a long time since I have used tooth whitener I just take them out go down to the shed and buff them up with a brasso compound on a wool wheel. Come up a treat they do. We dont need lights on in our house when I smile. I have to warn the wife when I am about to grin and she puts her RayBans on.
Mar 17, 2015
I've also found White Spirit good for cleaning mastic. Brings it up a lovely white color around locker seals
Apr 7, 2008
foggydave said:
Gabsgrandad said:
Wd40 will clean your mastic --- but it also dissolves it/removes it. -- Be very wary of using WD for that purpose, you may well regret it.

I have been out to investigate and I do not seem to be afflicted with Saggy Mastic. Not a nice thing to catch I can tell you. I always wear protection as at my age as anything that becomes 'saggy' tends to be permanent.
For protection I wear brown paper bags on my feet, for my hands Marigold gloves with a rather fetching floral design, and for my knee I use Jim Yakamoto's Patented gentlemans knitted knee warmers with whale bone lining.
I use the 'knee' singular as my wife uses the other warmer for her piles.
(Thats emeroids for aristocrats not piles for peers)

THINGY quote [Tried toothpaste before, the ones with the added whitener and had a decent enough result. Leaves a slight powdery residue easily washed off with cold water] end quote.
Ah 'Thingy' Its a long time since I have used tooth whitener I just take them out go down to the shed and buff them up with a brasso compound on a wool wheel. Come up a treat they do. We dont need lights on in our house when I smile. I have to warn the wife when I am about to grin and she puts her RayBans on.

May 24, 2014
Okay Okay, fess up guys. Is foggydave really terry wogan in disguise? They do have a similar way with the prose.
Aug 25, 2011
Had to read it twice ( brake cleaning fluid ) as I read through keep thinking Brake Fluid thats a good paint remover don't go there.

Jun 19, 2014
Hi As far as I know brake cleaning fluid does not attack paintwork. On the other hand brake fluid is akin to nytromores and is very aggressive. My wife can attest to this as she uses it regularly before bed time to remove the several layers of makeup applied with a plasterers trowel several timesduring the day to cover the cracks. She used to use a disc grinder for removal purposes but the resultant dust storm tended to clog the lungs when asleep.
I am not saying my wife is unattractive Oh no! She has a face that has been sculptured by nature. The soft winds, warm sunshine, light breezes, the gentle rain. Oh yes and the odd lightening strike and occassional land slide. But hey! nobodys perfect. Least of all me.


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