Toll charge gadget for Spain and France

Oct 24, 2024
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Can anyone recommend something to help with payment for French and Spanish toll roads?

We will be taking the caravan with us, and don't want to arrive back home without knowing we've already paid our way.

Many thanks.
Nov 11, 2009
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Can anyone recommend something to help with payment for French and Spanish toll roads?

We will be taking the caravan with us, and don't want to arrive back home without knowing we've already paid our way.

Many thanks.
This would be suitable for France and Spain. I used the French Libre T and it worked fine. Makes life so much easier.

Jul 15, 2008
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Just had to obtain an Emovis tag myself as France is in the process of removing cash and card payments at toll booths.
On the autoroutes that have the new system payments can only be made on the Internet or by having a tag or in person at some tobacconist, shops and service areas etc.

Emovis require you to purchase two tags
Liber-t for France and
Via-t for Spain and Portugal.

Other tag providers are available but Emovis is best for UK residents
as they direct debit in pounds sterling as opposed to euros.
Most UK banks don't allow direct debits in euros.

CAMC have an offer on Emovis tags if you are a member.
Last edited:
Nov 16, 2015
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I used Sanoff tolling Now Emovis, they bill you first week of the next month and averages out the exchange rate. The tag lasts over 5 years battery.


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