Tools to aid erecting an awning

Nov 9, 2006
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I have searched the archives and this question does not appear to have been asked before.

I have never erected an awning before, and I have seen advertised in the Towsure catalogue an aid for erecting an awning. It appear to be a metal pole, at one end there is a hand grip, at the other is a 'hook'. Is this sort of device really necessary or useful, to aid in the feeding through of the awning bead along the channel on the carvan?

I'm not a short ass, but I'm no six footer either!

I have a Bradcot awning, ~ 950cm

Thanks in anticipation.

Jan 2, 2006
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Not essential but very handy I bought something similar a couple of years ago and find it very handy and saves using the step to reach when pulling the canvas through the rail,this is more important as a couple of years ago the height of caravans increased making it harder to reach.
Dec 16, 2003
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As I'm nearly as tall as the van I've never found it a problem ;-)

Most important tool is your Brain.

We had a bigger Bradcot Steel framed Awning that I could put up myself very quickly thus entertaining many amazed caravanners but it easier with partner helping.

Trial set-up before you hit the site has to be the best thing.

Forget the fabric and work out where the poles go and mark up where they join up with labels or colour tape.

Lay the poles on the grond in the positions they go in and you will be half way there to simple quick awning eretion.

Best tip if you have a family is to send the kids off to explore the site and only tackle the Awning after a cuppa and relaxing hour after the drive.

If your boss is feeling a little jaded after navigating and Little Johnny and Aimie a bit wound up after being constrained in the car.Them wandering around swinging Awning poles or wandering off to try out the peg hammer whilst your wound up boss huffs an puffs as you appear to have no more clue than her about how it all fits together is not a great start.

Planning and Brain in gear,first rules of Awning Erection!;-0
Jun 11, 2005
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until we had a Bailey S5 with a 960cm awning we never had a problem. Howver the Dorema awning has 5 aluminium roof poles and no matter how hard we tried we could not get it adequately tensioned such that when it rained the water would collect on the roof. We then bought the Hercules tensioner (Towsure) and it now goes up like a dream and just that littel extra tension *** has cured the problems.

Other Clive
May 27, 2006
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"We then bought the Hercules tensioner (Towsure) and it now goes up like a dream and just that littel extra tension *** has cured the problems."

Indeed a wonderful gadget, I now wonder how I ever got a tentframe/awning to set up tight without one. Money buying it very well spent
May 21, 2008
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Last year I had a serious operation to my shoulder which meant I could not reach up to do up those pesky clamp screws on the awning poles.

As mine were of the steel looped end type I over came that by using a long reach paint roller with the roller removed. The bent steel frame of the shaft passed through the clamp screw loop and then I could tension the screws at chest height.

Her in doors being only 5 ft tall used a broom to push the awning out to get canvas tension for me.

Amazing how we get inovative in the name of a relaxing week away in the van.


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