Thank you for your comprehensive response. I did not intend this to become a discussion, I only submitted my 'one liner' because it seemed to me that your 'put down' had actually caused the participants of the Post in question, to cease. Whether this was a result, or just coincidence, is not clear.
No, you do not have to justify your decisions as a Moderator, that is a 'perk' of the job, if that is the right word. Us mere members may grumble and complain but at the end of the day, as you mention also, it is 'off to the pavilion' time, or as the Yanks seem to call it nowadays, 'the sin bin'.
I think you are being a little unfair in stating that opinion of the Forum is negative from outside Parties. Yes, there was a time when a few members seemed to be hogging the limelight, and yes, there was a certain degree of humour attached. It was indeed a bit of fun, although like many TV Comedy Shows, forgot when to stop. However, there are always cliques developing in a ny group of people and other Forums are certainly no better. In addition, there will always be people sitting on the periphery, who are wanting to join, but are restricted by either shyness, or fear of being laughed at. One can only hope that if any are reading this and feel they are in that category, then please 'jump in'. Start with technical questions and advance to other more general topics. I actually feel that this Forum having the commercial PC Magazine behind it, is a better format as it is far more impartial, just as long as certain commercial boundaries are not crossed. This is probably very wise as I read that in the US a model is suing a website to get the identity of a contributor who made extremely disparaging comments about her. If she succeeds, Heaven help the contributor.
I don't totally agree with the removal of all Posts on non- caravanning matters. We all live in a volatile and complex world, and what happens around us concerns us all. For example, as a result of our so called 'credit crunch' I read that advance bookings are up 40% and that more and more people have decided that caravanning is to be their holiday of choice this year. That is fine from one standpoint, but can the system cope is another question. We will no doubt see the results throughout the year.
My final comment on the 'hit list' was tongue in cheek as I did recognise that your comment was not literal. However, just to be on the safe side, I thought I would ask.