I drive a renault traffic van pulling a caravan,do I still need towing mirrors?some caravan shops say yes others say no,totally confussed and need the right answer please.
Many thanks I was told as long as I could see down the sides I didnt need them.Now I know different.If the towing vehicle and the caravan are standing in line, you must be able to see both rear corners of the caravan through the mirrors. If the existing mirrors are able to meet this requirement, you do not need towing mirrors. If not, you will need them.
Many thanks.Hi - The Guide issued by the Caravan Council states -"You must be able to see clearly down both sides of your Caravan, AND 4m either side at a distance of 20m behind the Caravan"
Their guide is very informative and you can get a free copy by emailing them with your snail mail details