Jul 5, 2009
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Pub sounds good to me but SWMBO will want to hand sweets out to the 'little darlings', so I guess I shall have to develop a case of selective deafness :)
Jan 19, 2008
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Most of our road have signs on their doors 'No trick or treat'. Hopefully by the time the dear little mites reach our house they will have run out of eggs.

Last year an egg went through a bedroom window (not double glazed) at my daughters. My granddaughter was in bed and got showered in egg and glass, luckily she was uninjured although for sometime after she would only go to bed with the light on. My SIL jumped in his car and caught them. He reported the kid to the police and his school. Despite him admitting it and paying for it his mother still wouldn't accept that her dear little sprog was to blame. Unbelievable.

Tonight there's just as many fireworks going off as Nov. 5th which reminds me, we've now got to put up with this bloody nuisance into the New Year. Who said there's a recession, obviously some have money to burn.
Aug 28, 2005
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I know what you mean about the fireworks L B , when we lived in Farnborough Hants fireworks used to last about 6 months , but since i moved to south Wales you hardly hear until near firework night ,
Dec 14, 2006
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Having an eight year old nephew and a ten year old niece, I don't mind Trick or Treat - especially in our area where the kids are always accompanied by their parents, and there are no evil tricks.

Last night we had about three 'visits' before 7.00 when we were going out, so we left an 'honesty box' of treats on the doorstep with a note to 'help yourself' and when we got back at 11.00 were gratified to notice that there were still a few treats left - so they hadn't taken the lot!


Trick or Treat is an American import which basically amounts to giving kids money or sweets.

In Scotland we have 'Guising' which is slightly different because each child has to do something whether it be joke, song or dance. No do, no get.

The eggs and flour scenario appears to be from spoilt brats who, if they don't get their own sweet way, will make life Hell for anyone. Sounds about normal for our current crazy times.
Nov 29, 2007
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For the first time that I can remember we didn't have a single Trick or Treater (or demanding money with menaces as I prefer to call it) this year. Now I have a whole bag of mini chocolate bars to eat myself. Oh well!
Jul 11, 2005
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All parents round here with children of a certain age had letters from Essex Police warning them that action would be taken if their children made a nuisence of themselves.

It seem to work as there was no reports of any.



Saturday was surprisingly quiet up here but as it rained 'cats and dogs' all Sunday that put paid to much malarkey.

However, we still have the 5th November routine to go through. Don't know why as it was the English Parliament that was threatened, and we were a separate country at that time. Now if someone was to try it again just as they were debating their expenses, well...........'Need a match, boyo'.
Feb 25, 2008
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Saturday was surprisingly quiet up here but as it rained 'cats and dogs' all Sunday that put paid to much malarkey.

However, we still have the 5th November routine to go through. Don't know why as it was the English Parliament that was threatened, and we were a separate country at that time. Now if someone was to try it again just as they were debating their expenses, well...........'Need a match, boyo'.
Yes, it was the English Parliament that Guy Fawkes tried to blow up, but it was a Scottish King that he was aiming for!!!!!

We had an occupation government then too. He also, along with his family (son and two grandsons) made a right "pigs ear" of running England. :)

Michael - Derbyshire
Apr 20, 2009
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Had the sign on the door in big bold letters.

Sorry no trick or treaters, Thank you.

Worked for the past five or six years.But this year no.

We had our grandson's 3 year birthday party in full swing

then I heard the door bell ring, I shouted, cant you READ

Then came the rendition of Happy Birthday!!!

Ever felt Guilty!


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