Truma just keeps on pumping!

May 6, 2018
Hi. I have a Truma Ultraflow System fitted to my caravan. Usually I just fill the Aquaroll, put the pump in, switch on and wait for the tank to fill. Today, however, it just keeps on pumping until the Aquaroll is empty. The pressure builds up until it’s leaking around the filter cap and external connections. Has anyone else seen this? Any idea how I can correct it? Thanks
Mar 14, 2005
Tinkerer said:
Hi. I have a Truma Ultraflow System fitted to my caravan. Usually I just fill the Aquaroll, put the pump in, switch on and wait for the tank to fill. Today, however, it just keeps on pumping until the Aquaroll is empty. The pressure builds up until it’s leaking around the filter cap and external connections. Has anyone else seen this? Any idea how I can correct it? Thanks


If you have the whale system and the pump is continuously running check the user manual for the pressure switch setting. This sometimes needs to be adjusted to compensate for the supply voltage which changes with the state of the battery and if the charger is running or not.

But what concerns me is your statement the pump runs until the barrel is empty.

Where is the water going? if the barrel empties with no taps open you must have a leak, and the fact the pump continues to run means it can't develop enough pressure to turn off, so the leak must be substantial.

I presume you haven't found a flood inside the caravan, so where is the water going?IF its not inside it must be outside. Have you found an active puddle? My suspicion is you haven't closed the water sysetm's winter drain down valves.
Jun 20, 2005
Is this the first time you have used the system this year? It is quite common for the yellow drain tap to stick open even when you think it is closed. Try opening and closing a few times. . You mention the filter cap. Following on from Clive’s suggestion you could temporarily by pass the filter and check the security of the joints were you see leakage.
Nov 16, 2015
On the hose where you plug into the caravan from the Aqua roll, are the two seals still ok, if they are not then the pump will keep running as it cannot build up pressure and the water will come out around the plug in area near the filter cap. . Also if you have the outside shower connector is the cap on securley.
Which caravan do you have.?
Jun 17, 2011
This reads as though you are filling an internal tank. If so the pump will run continuously because it only switches off at a certain pressure which you might never reach. Our Truma system runs for at least 11 secs after the tap goes off until the pressure sensor operates. It quite often doesn't switch off so the pump switch goes off and on and hay presto it goes off. This never happens when the caravan is at the dealers!!!!!!
May 6, 2018
Boy, so many helpful replies! Thank you all very much.

I’ll work through them today I expect. In answer to some question:

First use this season.
Initially, one of the two drain valves, although closed before starting, had stuck open and I just pumped the first barrel straight out.
The caravan is a Coachman VIP 520/4
I noticed the O rings on the connector needed replacing and did that.
The pressure was great enough to push the cap off the outside shower connector.
Nov 16, 2015
Glad you had some results, the filter might be getting blocked, causing the pressure build up blowing off the shower blank, many people , including myself just take the filter out, but of course replace the filter cap. .
Mar 14, 2005
Tinkerer said:
Boy, so many helpful replies! Thank you all very much. ...
The caravan is a Coachman VIP 520/4....

Thank for your comment.

Caravan manufactures often keep the same model name but over the years they change the specification. Were not mind readers, and my own crystal ball is a bit cloudy these days, So to really identify your caravan we would need the model year as well.


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