To the problem.
I cannot get the heater to blow hot air using the electricity mode - the elements do not heat up.
The control unit is side-by-side with the hot water controller and that controller works. This might help eliminate a question of local overheating causing problems.
I removed the control wire from the fan speed selector on the top of the heater front panel and on re-inserting found the green light had come to life in the heating control unit. Perhaps an oxidised contact cleared? But still no heat.
Checking the question of power, I turned on the Ultraheat switch (240v) - yes, fuse is OK, and checked the voltage on the heater side of the box behind the heater. 240v from both black wires to earth, nothing else.
I am now seriously pondering the thermostat question.
Removing the composite material cover from the back of the fan I discover what has to be a thermostat, This fits thru a hole into the fan housing. Now, is it a max temp cut-out or a temperature sensing unit. Have photo but cannot see how to attach to this post. The lack of apparent connection to the box at the rear base of the heater lends weight to it being a max-cutout sensor.
Video on the Internet showed the fix was to remove the gas fire and replace thermostats. There is nothing showing re thermostats in any exploded schematic diagrams of the heater, and I do not see a thermostat on any wiring diagram, so perhaps this one is the culprit. However, disconnecting the 240v for a period did not change the situation.
The wiring from the ultraheat wattage and heat control goes to the control box close to the floor at the rear of the heater. If there is another thermostat then it must be inside the heater box cover and yes, I would need to remove the gas fire to access.
Because the van was not built here, local support is nil from dealers and such.
Truma EU referred my request for assistance back to their local Aust. agents who declined to assist -" heater not registered within Australia".
Your thoughts are encouraged, please.
Some folk will tell me, here in Australia, that I made a mistake taking a UK van back to Australia. My 2004 Lunar Quasar 525 has better quality fittings and finish compared to the local varieties and towing 1050Kg is easier than 3000kg. Just finished replacing the front floor section and will prepare a booklet regarding the process.
I cannot get the heater to blow hot air using the electricity mode - the elements do not heat up.
The control unit is side-by-side with the hot water controller and that controller works. This might help eliminate a question of local overheating causing problems.
I removed the control wire from the fan speed selector on the top of the heater front panel and on re-inserting found the green light had come to life in the heating control unit. Perhaps an oxidised contact cleared? But still no heat.
Checking the question of power, I turned on the Ultraheat switch (240v) - yes, fuse is OK, and checked the voltage on the heater side of the box behind the heater. 240v from both black wires to earth, nothing else.
I am now seriously pondering the thermostat question.
Removing the composite material cover from the back of the fan I discover what has to be a thermostat, This fits thru a hole into the fan housing. Now, is it a max temp cut-out or a temperature sensing unit. Have photo but cannot see how to attach to this post. The lack of apparent connection to the box at the rear base of the heater lends weight to it being a max-cutout sensor.
Video on the Internet showed the fix was to remove the gas fire and replace thermostats. There is nothing showing re thermostats in any exploded schematic diagrams of the heater, and I do not see a thermostat on any wiring diagram, so perhaps this one is the culprit. However, disconnecting the 240v for a period did not change the situation.
The wiring from the ultraheat wattage and heat control goes to the control box close to the floor at the rear of the heater. If there is another thermostat then it must be inside the heater box cover and yes, I would need to remove the gas fire to access.
Because the van was not built here, local support is nil from dealers and such.
Truma EU referred my request for assistance back to their local Aust. agents who declined to assist -" heater not registered within Australia".
Your thoughts are encouraged, please.
Some folk will tell me, here in Australia, that I made a mistake taking a UK van back to Australia. My 2004 Lunar Quasar 525 has better quality fittings and finish compared to the local varieties and towing 1050Kg is easier than 3000kg. Just finished replacing the front floor section and will prepare a booklet regarding the process.