Truma Spares Pricing

Mar 17, 2018
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Has anyone else found that the prices for Truma spares has shot up. And I don't mean a few quid to account for exchange rate fluctuations, I'm talking 50% up on last year.

I put off buying a new water heating element at £82 last year, they are now £125. A new water inlet with flappy cover thing cost £26 today. The retailer was apologetic and blamed the trade price.

Is this a simple case of Truma capitalising on the tens of thousands of vans out there with their kit in them, or is something else going on? Either way it seems hard to justify. Come on Truma, what's going on?
May 7, 2012
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I have not bought any Truma spares lately but they have always seemed expensive for what they are. They do have a near monopoly in most of the things they produce so can ask what they like and we are stuck with it.
Apr 19, 2017
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Yes, cheapest price on EBAY for the 850w element seems to be around £115. When I needed one last year I was 'pleasantly' surprised to find one on the shelf at the local dealer at £82 .... and got my 10% loyalty discount. However you look at it though it is an outrageous price for a simple element. Why didn't they simply use a standard kettle element? (we all know why).
Mar 14, 2005
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Ohh dear tell you what I would do, that is remove the element. Google Element Manufacturers in your area and take it to them for a quote. I have repaired loads of Industrial/ Bakers ovens in this way.
Mar 14, 2005
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Raywood said:
I have not bought any Truma spares lately but they have always seemed expensive for what they are. They do have a near monopoly in most of the things they produce so can ask what they like and we are stuck with it.

Truma like many other manufacturers of caravan appliances simply cant get the the sort of volumes to get the same sort of economies of scale that say kettle manufacturers can, but I do agree the prices they charge are well over all manufacturing and administration costs. Sadly the monopoly they have does allow them to profiteer on the sale of spares.

But in their partial defence, the elements they use are not standard kettle elements, so its not as simple as has been suggested. It will be interesting to find if its possible to get a one off replacement manufactured, it certainly won't have any sort of guarantee of longevity, as the testing required costs several thousands of pounds.
Jun 20, 2005
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Call me a cynic but there is no doubt for whatever the reason caravanners are ripped off. See my other post about an awning rail spreader tool. Bailey want £165.00. A friend of is making one for less than £10.00. A number of forumites have suggested alternative solutions. All less than £10.00. Thanks to all for the lateral thinking.
As for Truma , is it them or the retailer calling the final figure ;)
Jun 20, 2005
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SirRogerFFS said:
Have a chat with Matt at E spares if they have what you want it will be here next day. Very helpful business .
Sir Roger
How are you these days Sir Roger since your visit at NHS :)
Mar 14, 2005
daprogers said:
Has anyone else found that the prices for Truma spares has shot up. ?

Too true! Has anybody recently bought the two overheat thermostats fitted in the bottom of the Ultraheat fires. I replaced mine a few years ago and they were around a fiver each. Even three years ago when I got a pair sent out to Spain for a mate, they were only around £15 for the pair. Now suddenly the dealers want £24.99 each for them + postage.

But it isn't only Truma that's at it. Anything that's remotely connected with caravans is expensive. Last week I needed four 12mm water pipe pushfit connectors. All the ebay caravan shops wanted 2 to 3 quid each for them. I got them in my local plumber's shop for £1 each.
Jun 20, 2005
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These look the same as the ones I changed four years ago. Do you think Truma make their own or buy them in. Not suggesting use non standard parts but merely showing what is available out there.
Nov 11, 2009
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Dustydog said:
These look the same as the ones I changed four years ago. Do you think Truma make their own or buy them in. Not suggesting use non standard parts but merely showing what is available out there.

I doubt that Truma do make their own but it’s determining the precise specification of an alternative supply.
There’s a company in Birmingham who design and supply some 80% of the switches used in the worlds electric kettles, so if Truma do make their own the operational scale is very small in production terms which would account for the high price. But I very much doubt that they are Truma manufactured and has said by others “welcome to the world of caravan rip offs’.
Mar 14, 2005
Dustydog said:
These look the same as the ones I changed four years ago. Do you think Truma make their own or buy them in. Not suggesting use non standard parts but merely showing what is available out there.

I'm sure they buy them in. Their 125 opening item looks the same as the 125[sup]0[/sup]C one sold by Truma.. But look at the price! - £1.50 each and Truma want £24.99. What a scandal!
Apr 19, 2017
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Try venturing into the Yachtie world! Many boatowners buy stuff at the caravan outlet because it is much cheaper than the chandler! ...for exactly the same item. (Yachties also don't seem to have quite the same fixation with 'maintaining the Warranty at ALL costs ' .... so are happier using equivalent parts rather than insisting on an original brand-name replacement).


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