Tyre pressure monitoring system


Feb 15, 2011
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Hi having seen the recent discussion on blowouts and tyre pressures it has reinforced my thinking about buying a monitoring system. There seems to be two big names TyrePal and Snooper and many other systems on a couple of shopping websites. Before I go any further I would be greatful for any views on which is the best system and why. Of course I would want it to monitor the car, and the caravan when towing. Many thanks.
Apr 7, 2008
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As you all ready know there are various systems out there on the market, I originally bought my first Tyrepal system in 2011 and then bought the newer version last December when a discounted offer dropped into my in-box.
The one that i use is the TB99 model for van use as the pressure sensors now go up to 99psi it copes comfortably with my vans high tyre pressures, in all essence when I have the van on the back i put the rear wheel sensors from my truck rear wheels onto the van wheels and alter the pressure settings to suit. If you want to go all bells & whistles there is a system to suit, but what i am bothered about is when you get a slow puncture far too often the tyre will be destroyed before you realise what has happened worse still it takes the caravan wheel arch out with it.... so this system is designed to warn you of a drop in tyre pressure that way if you heed the warning and pull over you could just have the price of a puncture to be repaired rather than something more drastic happening...

Is it worth it..... well in my mind yes but everyone has there own opinions,as people have been towing for years with out anything happening ....

Puncture repair £15.00......V ...... a few hundred pounds or more to repair the wheel arch and other damage plus a new tyre, some insurance companies are now offering a discount for using a TPM system.

A quick google found this......See post #13 for damage caused
Aug 21, 2015
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I am the manager of a Garage/Tyre dealer in Aberdeen, all new cars now have to come with TPMS and as such I have just came back from a training course about this. We have just recently purchased the programming equipment to do this. The system we have is Schrader as they make most of the car oem sensors at present. Unfortunately they do not currently make a system suitable for caravan/truck as of yet but when I spoke to them about this option they tell me they are working on it at the moment and hopefully will have a product out in the near future. the way the market seems to be going I really don't think it will be long before tpms becomes a popular choice for caravans and as such I'm sure someone will soon make a system that can monitor the car and caravan when towing.
Mar 14, 2005
I've had a Tyrepal system on the caravan for three years so the model I have has been updated and replaced. My previous towcar had TPMS built in but my present car doesn't have it. However on the car I can manage without it. After all, you can feel the behaviour of the car when a tyre begins to go down. Not so on the caravan. I find it useful before setting off to be able to give the two buttons a push and see the pressures and temperatures of the wheels are correct. Then should a tyre begin to loose pressure as I drive along, the alarm switches on.
Apr 27, 2015
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We use a tyrepal TB99, and it's good for what it is. Monitors the pressure every 6 seconds and updates the display every few mins unless the pressure is falling (in which case you get instant notification)

I tend to have the sensors for the front axle on the rear axle of the car, and the sensors for the rear axle on the van. These are the pressures I'm worried about, front pressure changes are easy to pick up through the steering so not worries about not monitoring all 6 wheels.
Apr 27, 2015
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Just for info I received an email from Tyrepal today- 28% off using code CH1215

The TB99. Normally £135. Offer price £99.90

2 sensor system for single axle caravan. Normally £135. Offer price £99.90
4 sensor system for twin axle caravan. Normally £199. Offer price £147.26
6 sensor system for car and single axle caravan. Normally £265. Offer price £196.10

Mods, apologies if I'm breaking any rules here, I'm not associated with Tyrepal in any way, just a satisfied customer who sees the usefulness of the product.
Feb 3, 2008
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My car came with its own TPMS built in (EU requirements) but unfortunately it is not upgradable to cater for the single axle caravan. I'm not sure if adding another system with an additional display would interfere with the existing system, but at £100 or so I don't think I will try.


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