I would probably agree with that as my wife has the bad habit of stuffing the loo with all sorts of paraphernalia for travelling. Between the toilet bags and all the 'crap' from the bathroom cabinet (just in case the doors fly open) and the coffee machine, and the bag with all the miscellaneous odds and sods, it is impossible to get in there without a lot of extraction. The hedge defintely looks more attractive, although possibly not from her point of view. Anyway, that is what service stations are for.
Although to try and answer John, without a wiring diagram is impossible. However, logic tells me that if a system is set up to power from a battery then to isolate that system inorder to feed direct, and at the same time charge the battery, seems too complicated,. I also know from my old motorhome that it had a split charging system with 2nd battery, as normal, and again everything in the habitation part was powered from the battery.
All I know is that van is connected. or not as maybe, and I switch on the lights etc, and all works. There is no 'caravan on' switch.
The fridge is a different matter of course.