Surfer said:
What is your tow car as some of the more informed could steer you in the right direction?
It's a Renault Megane series 3 1.5 diesel. Kerb weight 1290 That, by my reckoning means about 1100
to be 85%. I've found a few to look at, but so liked the look of the Van Royce, which is apparently nearer
1250kg. As it's my first foray into caravanning, I'd feel safer limiting myself to 1100kg.
Several Lunars and Elddis vans on my shopping list. I've done lots of miles so far looking for the right deal.
I have found one dealer who's advert lists the weight of every 'van, shock horror!! Several private ads to follow up on too,
why do so few advertisers bother to list this?
Looks like another busy weekend.