Fair enough we are a wasteful nation and we can all do our bit for the environment but I think that this country has become addicted to the save the planet campaigne and that we are now going over the top in many instances. We have just been issued with a wheely bin, a large brown bin for kitchen waste, a smaller brown bin for keeping in the kitchen prior to filling the larger one and two black boxes - one for waste paper and one for glass. However my property is in btween two roads and we have access from both roads - what has the council done - they have issued us with double of everything, one set of each at each gate. We are still having weekly refuse collection but the paper, glass and kitchen waste is fortnightly. By using the wheely bins the vehicle can only unload two at a time whereas the bin men would be throwing at least three or four refuse sacks on at a time - therefore the bins are going to be more time consuming for them. Also think of the smell of the kitchen waste after two weeks. The only winners are the manufacturers of the plastic bins.