Very nearly

May 10, 2020
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On our way yesterday to Tenby and travelling around Bruith Wells when we very nearly T bones a car that had driven off a garage forecourt. The driver just didn’t look and pulled out to drive across the road to travel in the opposite direction. He had no idea we were there and it was an emergency stop on our behalf. We were probably doing less than 30 mph but I must admit I very pleased with the way that the car and caravan stopped. There was no hint of loss of control and everything thing stopped in line plus nothing hit the rear of the van. It made me think of the problems a shunt like this would cause with recovery, loss of holiday etc.
Stay safe everyone.

Sam Vimes

Sep 7, 2020
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Glad you were ok.

That situation is a regular occurence here in the Highlands due to overseas tourists looking the wrong way and then sometimes pulling out onto the wrong side of the road. Its happend to me a number of times but you can read their road position and get to know in advance of what they're going to do. You also get to know the type of cars they're driving - easy with foreign numbers plates - but you can spot the hire cars as well.
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