Vision 575/4 concertina blind

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Apr 6, 2017

I have been having trouble with the concertina blind that separates the bedroom from the rest of the van.

When travelling on rough roads the blind jumps out of the guide track fixed to the roof.

After several attempts to fix this by re-assembling the blind but now the track has a split on the side walls of the guide rail due to flexing and won't hold the weight the blind without falling out.

I contacted Coachman to obtain details of who made the rail and how to get hold of one. I haven't had a reply to my emails.

The caravan is under warranty but is more than 40 miles from home to the nearest dealer. 2 return journeys towing the van just to get such a minor problem fixed isn't cost effective.

Does anyone on this forum know who manufactures the blind fitted to my caravan?
Mar 14, 2005
Read up about the Consumer rights Act 2015.

If the blind is faulty the seller is responsible and should either come to the caravan , or collect it with the minimum of inconvenience.
Apr 6, 2017
Hi Prof.

Thanks for the info.

I agree in a ideal world that would happen but the dealer I bought it from doesn’t exist anymore.

I just thought a bit of plastic track costs a few quid and would on the balance be much better for me than lugging the van to the dealer.

Thanks again

May 7, 2012
If the dealer is no longer there then a claim against him is lost and the guarantee is your best bet, but given the distance to the next dealer then the guarantee claim may not be worthwhile. I suspect you may have the same rail as our Lunar as the runners did have a habit of coming out on the last one.
My main concern with the runner if I did need to replace it, is that it disappears into the3 furniture and I doubt can be replaced without the furniture being removed at least in part. Not sure if yours is the same, but if so a dealer who knows the correct way of doing it might still be needed.
Nov 16, 2015
Contact Coachman Direct, and tell them your orignql dealer does not exist, as my last one did, then my next one was not helpful . Slightly different problem , rear back panel , but for a 40 mile tow , 1 hour, I would take it back and get the rail replaced. Those rails are rubbish. Same on my 560. Sorted now. Vicro tape at the top. To hold the screen back.
Coachman after sals and repair were fantastic, new rear panel and resealeald all the roof and doors etc. . I Have been lucky two good Coachman and great Sterling Eccles Jewel. . No major probs.
Apr 6, 2017

I’m on my second Coachman apart from a few niggles all has been good.
I tend to fix the minor niggles myself as the hassle of trips back and forth to dealers to get them fixed just doesn’t feel worth it
I agree the rails are not the best. I spent today making aluminium reinforcement around the guide where the blind “parks”.
I’d like to make a new rail out of aluminium to replace it altogether
Thanks for the info.
Nov 16, 2015
GD i fixed my own one, cant remember how, too long ago, never use the door thing, swapped our 545 for the 560. Personal thing. Didnt like the shower door , it kept cracking at the top . Other wise we have been lucky with our three vans. :p
Mar 14, 2005
In the circumstances and since this is not a major structural problem, you may get Coachman to agree that it could be fixed under warranty by n Approved Workshop.
They are happy for the annual service and check to be done at AWS so worth a try.
Apr 6, 2017
The problem is Coachman won’t answer my emails

I have a confirmation email saying someone will be in contact. That was 3 weeks ago.

I phoned and they would get someone to phone back. That didn’t happen also.

To be honest I haven’t chased them as it’s a minor problem that I’ve now found a fix.
Dec 4, 2018
I had a simular problem with concertina door falling out.

It was simple to put back in, but I now tow with the door bar clamped to the furniture panel.

2016 Pastiche 575
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