Well done Mod !!!

Dec 16, 2003
V Good, Brian.

It still doesn't work though does it, Kanga hops by and post XxX drivel again. Trying to confine to Towcars !!!!!!!!!!!

Well that really worked a treat, if the plonkers are going to strike they will do it when and where they like and new posters get dragged in not knowing what is happening, as it did just a few minutes back.

The mod still has to trawl around ridding the sections of drivel. New poster gets pulled in and then "PUFF" stuff dissapears, well that really encourages any new people here.
May 4, 2005
Fair comment Cris but there is room for serious discussions in Towcars where those that are interested can post.

I think the blank posts work well this time ,do you?
Jul 12, 2005
Sorry Cris but what has troll posting drivel to every forum have to do with restricting the 4x4 debate to Towcars. If anything it no real different to your spamming the forums with drivel to point out your views.

I am surprised the mod did not remove all you cross little posts this morning as they where no more than a temper tantrum because things did not go your way.

It is general knowledge that the forum software leaves the Mod with several problems. Most of us have learnt to live with it and get on with using the forum for what it is designed for. Caravan discussions!
Dec 16, 2003

My style may annoy a few, but that's me take it or leave it.

A new Guy posted in reply to the K and then found blank posts.

VERY GOOD on the Mods prompt action. But there is no warning left for anyone who steps up unaware with the drivel just being removed! The guy wondered what we were saying about him :-(

Edit and remove posters name and paste standad note re behaviour and valid polite comment.
Dec 16, 2003

Many threads here develop and move on and turn to debate.

The troll will jump on any thing or start a thread with XxX bait and those unaware get sucked in.

All evidence of Troll posting gone again, leaving some new poster ope to walking into another fiasco.

Many of you want to confine the Trolls favourite target into one place, do you not think they might pick another target.


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