what type of groundsheet?

Oct 27, 2005
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We are nearly ready for our first trip. Have purchased our awning and need to get a groundsheet. Have seen the stuff with holes in, is this is the best to get. I can imagine that if it is wet mud will seep up through the holes and the awning will be our childrens play area in wet weather. What are the choices and what do people go for. Thanks in advance. Denise
Nov 6, 2005
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Choose sites with hardstandings, the awning can be pegged through most surfaces, the you don't need to bother with a groundsheet.
Apr 11, 2005
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I have seen two sorts of groundsheets we have the one with the hole in I thick it is made by soft texts. It is good Roger L is right go for hardstaning .

There is one other sort that is made which is by isbeller which I have not see or hard any thick about I did ask the the caravan store before I got my I was told that the isbeller one dues not let the grass birth so it go brown and a lot of sit will not let you use it because of this.

Oct 27, 2005
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Thanks. We have booked 4 trips so far. 2 will be on grass and 2 on hardstanding. Do we need special pegs for hardstanding? So I suppose on the grass we will have to hope for the best and on the hardstanding no need for the groundsheet. Denise
Jul 15, 2005
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You'll need to build up a collection of two (possibly three) different sets of pegs:


Look for something in the camping shop called "Rockpegs" these are like a 10" hard steel nail with a short cross piece welded on top. They can be hammered into the hardstanding and to remove them a wiggle breaks the hold.

We also have a number of 8" Turbo Coach Screws (from Screwfix) for the awning side panels, which can be screwed into hardstanding with a battery electric drill - from Screwfix (
Mar 14, 2005
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I have cut & pasted below my answer to the same topic a few weeks ago.

Hope it helps.

We have found the breathable "carpet" type of groundsheet to be very good.

Sure, they will let mud or standing water through in extreme conditions but on the more usual surfaces, damp grass or gravel, they are fine.

The main thing is that they do not kill the grass like a normal groundsheet, although the grass will lose a bit of its colour after prolonged use. They are also very comfortable to walk on, even with bare feet on a cold morning.

It is a bit more dificult to clean the underneath after you get home because the fabric is woven but I use a pressure washer or just let it dry and use a stiff brush.

We are just about to buy a new awning to fit our new and larger van and will be buying a new Bolon "carpet" to fit.

Oct 27, 2005
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I have cut & pasted below my answer to the same topic a few weeks ago.

Hope it helps.

We have found the breathable "carpet" type of groundsheet to be very good.

Sure, they will let mud or standing water through in extreme conditions but on the more usual surfaces, damp grass or gravel, they are fine.

The main thing is that they do not kill the grass like a normal groundsheet, although the grass will lose a bit of its colour after prolonged use. They are also very comfortable to walk on, even with bare feet on a cold morning.

It is a bit more dificult to clean the underneath after you get home because the fabric is woven but I use a pressure washer or just let it dry and use a stiff brush.

We are just about to buy a new awning to fit our new and larger van and will be buying a new Bolon "carpet" to fit.

Thankyou. At Easter we are on grass so I will worry about those other pegs later. Is Bolon this breathable type of groundsheet which is about
Jan 1, 2006
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As one who looks after a grass CL I would ask that you do not use a ground sheet at all or if you have to make certain you fold it back each day, in summer no matter what sheet you have it will damage the grass and if the soil is sandy do realy need to cover it? but have fun what ever you do.

David from Suffolk
May 9, 2006
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Hi Denise.

Strongly recommend the breathable ground sheets.Soft to walk on and would be great for the kids playing on. We have used ours twice. Once on a 14 night stay in very dry conditions, where there was NO damage to the grass at all apart from it being slightly flattened, however the site owner only had to give it a light rake to sort it out. The second time we used it, we had constant rain for a week. We did get some mud come up through, but better than walking on the muddy grass. (we also use a home made wooden duckboard to prevent taking all that unwanted mud into the 'van. I would recommend you never use a plastic ground sheet, as it makes it very slippery if the grass is wet and muddy

(i found this out the hard way!)

Hope this of help to you

Happy caravaning

Hamish (and another Denise) Arbroath.
Jun 25, 2005
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We use a breathable groundsheet in our awning with 3 kids. I have a child with special needs who loves to play with cars on the floor. If the ground is a bit wet, we put a picnic rug, the sort with the waterproof backing on top of the groundsheet for the short time he wants to play on the floor with cars. We then lift the rug up off the ground. It works for us. Annette


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