whats the best hitch lock ?

Aug 27, 2011
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i'm sure this will draw different views lol
i have searched a bit but found nearly too many choices so i'll leave it to the ppl with experiance (yous) reconmend a hitchlock for me ? dont go over board on price please !!!(i'm poor ) incase it matters its for a compass omega484 , i dont know the type of the hitch yet !! (black handle ??) sorry short on info lol
Apr 7, 2008
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kenf said:
i'm sure this will draw different views lol
i have searched a bit but found nearly too many choices so i'll leave it to the ppl with experiance (yous) reconmend a hitchlock for me ? dont go over board on price please !!!(i'm poor ) incase it matters its for a compass omega484 , i dont know the type of the hitch yet !! (black handle ??) sorry short on info lol

Is this the caravan that you have bought ?
By the look from the photos it has a winterhoff ws3000 fitted
Here are some hitchlocks that are suitable for that type of hitch

The choice is yours ...................
Have a read about this Attempted theft
Cheapest is not always best in this situation
Aug 4, 2005
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Hi Ken,
I'm not the biggest fan of hitch locks, I've read too many reports of how easy it is to overcome most, if not all of them. A year or two back a forum member posted a link to her cctv which she had posted on youtube of her caravan being stolen. Hitch lock, wheel clamp, alarm and security post all overcome in minutes.
Check with your caravan insurance company as to exactly what and how many security devices they want. Some will insist on both wheel clamp and hitch lock. Some will want only one or the other. Some might want even more e.g tracker of some sort and/or alarm
If you have a look around online shops you might see some advertised with a "sold secure" grading e.g. silver or gold. These are products that are tested by an independent group as to how secure tey actually are. It's been a while since I read the criteria for testing but it's along the lines of how long it takes to be overcome using specific tools that determines how good a grade the security device gets.
Some security items are worse than useless. I've read of wheel clamps that don't cover the wheel bolts, all the thief needs to do is remove and replace the wheel and he's off with your van.
Check with your insurance company, have a look around then get back with any specific questions.
Aug 27, 2011
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Sproket said:
Rob-T said:
Hi Ken,
A year or two back a forum member posted a link to her cctv which she had posted on youtube of her caravan being stolen. Hitch lock, wheel clamp, alarm and security post all overcome in minutes.

This is the link below.........
Caravan theft from home video
the rotten bas****s that makes my blood boil !!! imangine if that was your pride and joy ! evil ******* .
mat said:
If it is the Winterhoff then you need the ROBSTOP.
Very easy to fit and designed for that hitch only.


at a £100 will it be any good ?
i think its too dear (£50 would be plenty) but if it was good its cheap !!!
i know i shouldent be posting this but we got a car trailer stolen from our yard back a few years ago and the hitch had one of those locks that locked the hitch button on or off so the ppl that stole our trailer must have just tied it to the back of their van/car as the lock made the ball area useless so i presume it doesnt matter what lock you put on a hitch you could just tie it to the toeing van/car !!! shocking
Oct 6, 2008
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By its design it would be a very determined thief to remove it.
It has no protruding parts and the locking mechanism is all shielded and inside the stabaliser head itself.
It comes with a solid metal ball that sits inside the head, like a cut off tow ball really, so that cannot be drilled out, unlike some other makes with a plastic one.
It is also insurance rated soldsecure.
Lets face it if a thief wants your van they will find a way of getting it, it is our job as owners to make them think twice or loook somewhere else.



Nov 12, 2009
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The question of security devices depends on the caravan insurance policy that you choose Ken.
Before you pick up your new caravan have a look around to get insurance quotes for your caravan. The best policy is rarely the cheapest and a good way to go about it is to contact the both Camping & Caravanning Club and the Caravan Club to obtain insurance quotes because both clubs provide a good level of insurance cover. Their policies are easy to understand and don't contain any hidden get out clauses and of course both clubs are reputable insurance providers which provide a benchmark from which to judge other insurance policies which may look cheaper.
The cost of cover depends on the level of security including devices fitted so if your caravan has a tracker and / or alarm let the insurers know at the time of the quote to obtain a discount.
Similar discounts apply where the caravan is stored inside a locked compound, has cctv cover and of course has wheel clamps and hitch locks fitted whenever the caravan is left unattended.
You will need to decide whether the amount of discount outweighs the cost of the various security devices and the money that you would lose if your caravan was stolen.
A determined thief will steal any caravan regardless of security so you must comply with the terms of your insurance policy at all times for peace of mind.
My own C&CC policy is new for old cover and it stipulates that the security devices that I told the insurers about which produced a discount on the price of my policy must be deployed whenever the caravan is unattended, but there is no stipulation on which make of hitchlock or wheel clamp that I use as long they are suitable for my caravan so obviously I haven't bought the most expensive models, just the ones that are easier to use and which comply with the policy requirements.
Aug 27, 2011
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been searching around pricing insurance , quotes between £160 and £300 , getting around £200-220 for new for old ! does this sound about right ? (i said £9000 for the van and £1000 for accesories)
mat said:
By its design it would be a very determined thief to remove it.
It has no protruding parts and the locking mechanism is all shielded and inside the stabaliser head itself.
It comes with a solid metal ball that sits inside the head, like a cut off tow ball really, so that cannot be drilled out, unlike some other makes with a plastic one.
It is also insurance rated soldsecure.
Lets face it if a thief wants your van they will find a way of getting it, it is our job as owners to make them think twice or loook somewhere else.

it looks the bizz definatly !!!
Aug 4, 2004
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If market value quote then it will eb about what you paid for it. If new for old, then the price of a new one. Caravan related contents at £1000 could be undervalued as the awning would set you back about £700. Does it have a motor mover. You don't need personal contents, i.e. clothing etc as this should be covered under your household policy. Why pay twice for the same cover?
Nov 6, 2005
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Its one of the better ones,but was quite shocked how easily it came off,gold secure too.It just proves if they want your van no security will stop them,not always the most expensive is best.Is it worth £120???
Mod can you give my email to kenf please? reply and I will ping you the pick if you want.
My friend broke his key in the alko type and we pinged it off will a crowbar.
Aug 27, 2011
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i am trying to get insurance on my caravan but i'm confused !! when it asks for ,sum insured ,is this the today value or the new for old price ? (meaning if i select new for old do i input the today price to replace my van with a new van) or just the s/h value ? (it makes a big difference in the price of the policy)
Nov 5, 2006
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If insuring your van for new for old whatever its market value or what you paid for it you must insure it for the cost of a new van of the same type & update the value each year. also be aware that new for old only comes into operation if the cost of repairs exceed the NEW value ,or your van is a total write off,or if it is stolen & not recovered
C&CC have an option called Guarenteed value for S/H vans bought from a dealer,this ensures that you get back whatever you paid for the van.Much the same as new for old but cheaper
Oct 30, 2009
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hi Kenf.
in my view any security device no matter how expensive will only be a deterent, the determined thief will overcome any device.
many forum members I am sure would vouch for this, the best one can do is slow the thief down to a point where the chances of getting caught are too great or it is so much hassle to steal your van and they go elsewhere.
in my view and this may be a bit controversal would be to get the best insurance possible fit the devices they recommend and tell them everything so there is no get out clause. if that means buying the most expensive device to comply then do it.
afterall even the dearest item will be only be a fraction of the cost of your exess should the worst happen,
this is comming from a guy who is so security conscious the wife calls it borderline paranoia
my own van as forum members will know is kept in a double locked alarmed garage attached to the house !!!.
but it still has when at home a wheel clamp, alko hitchlock, and is mounted on a hitch post concreted into the floor the rear corner steadies are chained to the floor with titanium chain and padlocks, and in the winter as the van is not used the wheels are removed and stored in the loft with the van sitting on winter wheels,
secure yes ?? theft proof probably not!!
Aug 27, 2011
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thanks ppl !! colin you have a problem lol
well i have just insured my van with the cacc !! £194 didnt bother with the new for old , its insured for £10,200 (£9000 for the van and 1200 for awning and equipment) just need to get a hitch lock now !! the van came with a bulldog wheel clamp but need an aproved hitch lock now !!
thanks again ppl for your help
btw colin my van is being monitered 24/7 (cctv)at home as my buisness is beside my home (car repair buisness) i am in the process of building a multi porpose shed/carport , in the winter it will house the caravan and in the other seasons it will be used to house over spill of cars !!
but as you say these things are only a deterent !!
Aug 27, 2011
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Parksy - Moderator said:
Have a look at one of These Ken
mine is the winterhoff !! , i'm on the hunt for a robstop !!!
the guy i bought the van off was saying it doesnt matter what hitch lock you use the profesional thief has the perfect hitch for the job ? its a box that your whole hitch drops into it ,grabs the hitch around the rubber gater area and has its own hitch to hook on to their tow vechicle, how do you beat that ?
well we all hope that these guys are few and far between !!!
Nov 28, 2007
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I use a ROBSTOP on my Winterhoff. Its not big or heavy, looks secure quick to fit, and importantly it is "sold Secure" if that is the correct phrase, to keep the insurance company happy - all important that.
I also use a sold secure wheel lock, but at the end of the day thieves can defeat any lock - or burn them off.


Nov 12, 2009
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Well done Ken!
It's started though hasn't it?............................. The digging deep into the pockets to buy that vital bit of kit


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