Where am I going senior moment?

May 20, 2005
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I have been waiting for a Telephone call from my Physio Pam, she was phoning to see if I had received the results of a ultra sound test so we could arrange a treatment appointment.

On Wednesday the phone rings my wife answers the call and as she passes me the phone mouths "its Pam" I say "hello" she asks me "would it be all right if 2 medical students examine me as they need to look at a person with MS" I replied "yes no problem" She then says "thank you would 10am Monday be ok" ok with me I reply she asks " do you want to come here or we can come to you" I being a helpful soul say " it will probably be easier for you if I come to you" she replies "thanks Paul I'll see you Monday at 10am"

Friday Morning the phone rings I pick it up "hi Paul its Pam I'm ringing to see if you have received the results of the scan" "no not yet" I reply " Ok then I will ring you next week to see if they have come and we'll arrange an appointment" "yes but you are seeing me on Monday with the medical students" I reply "what medical students" "the ones you rang me about on Wednesday" I reply "sorry Paul this is the first time I have rung you this week" she says " Ho dear I seem to have got my wires crossed".

I ask my wife did the person who rung on Wednesday say it was Pam "I'm not sure I thought it was Pam" she replies

So there you have it on Monday some one with 2 medical students is waiting for me to turn up God knows where at 10am. I should have been unhelpful and asked them to come to me. Although its not my senior moment it's the wife's but she "does no wrong" I should have asked who it was is her excuse.
Nov 1, 2005
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it never ceases to amaze me how i can tell my wife clear information and she can immediately relay an entirely different story.i sympathise totally.