Jun 24, 2009
I am new to owning a caravan and we are wondering which would be the best club to join ie camping and caravan club or the caravan club !!
Feb 18, 2008
Hi Peter

In my opinion, without doubt, the Caravan Club. We tried the C & CC for one year and didn't like it, too many 'jobs-worths'. Weve been enjoying caravanning now for 23 years and would hate to have to give it up.


John M
Feb 16, 2009
Peter you will find for and against for both, it comes down to personel preferances, l prefer the Caravan Club like John but what l have seen of the few sites of the Camping & caravan club the to look o/k, maybe not quite manicured like the CC more rural if you no what l mean.

Nov 28, 2007
We are in the CC, and find them too manicured. We find the club sites too expensive, and are members only for CLs, insurance etc. Why they spend so much money on toilet facilities when most vans now are so well equiped I don't know.
Jul 25, 2007
I would say the Caravan Club. Was recently at a Caravan Club rally that was held at the same venue as a Caravan & Camping Club Rally. The C&CC held a Sunday Church service! Far too stuffy for my liking.


Nov 12, 2009
I'm a member of the Camping and Caravanning Club and I regularly attend district association rallies.

I've never come across church services but etto, William might have seen one of the Sunday coffee mornings which are sometimes but not always held to inform d.a. members of forthcoming events, recruit stewards or volunteers and often to welcome newbies. Attendance at any 'service' or gathering of any kind is strictly voluntary so if William did see a church service there must have been a religious group of campers and caravanners at that particular rally.

The clubs are similar but the C&CC allow tent campers which is why their 5 van certified sites often have showers and toilets as well as washing up and laundry facilities.

The Caravan Club sites are according to forum members more manicured although every mainstream C&CC site that I've been on is manicured quite enough for my liking.

The CC allow the individual to choose their own pitch while in the C&CC the site warden escorts us to the pitch so at least we don't have speeding on sites with caravanners rushing round to secure a plum spot for themselves. The CC don't charge a deposit for their main sites and the C&CC does to prevent the advance block booking that CC members complain bitterly about.

Both clubs offer insurance and travel services and advice to caravanners.

I rarely stay on mainstream club sites but if I did I'd qualify for my over 55 age discount which is unavailable to CC members.

I've never tried the CC and have no intention of doing so but why not join both for the first year and see which you prefer for yourself?


This subject has been aired before, and as mentioned both Clubs have advantages and disadvantages. I am a member of both because I like having the opportunity to use both for sites, as one may be full on my chosen dates. This is a particular problem with the CC at weekends. Also the C&CC often has sites a little further out of towns and are therefore more rural, if that is what you wish. As mentioned the C&CC caters also for tenters so you get a greater variety of campers on their sites compared with purely caravans and motorhomes with the CC. We like it but others feel it is downgrading. Don't know why.

There is also competiton between them for insurance and I have often found the C&CC to be better value than the CC for this particular aspect. Others may find differently.

To my mind the cost of about
Aug 23, 2009
We belong to both and ACCEO, our brand owners club and TCC. we only use the main two clubs for CLs and CSs as I refuse to pay more than


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