Who thinks UK state plane looks like discredited BA World Tailfins

Nov 11, 2009
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Looking at the pictures of the new paint job on the RAF Voyager (A330) it looks remarkably like the Chatham Rose BA World Tailfin which were an unsuccessful branding exercise that only lasted four years. It was repainted to gIve a more discernible branding to UK. Surely having a plane in Royal Air Force livery has very good branding image. Notwithstanding it may need a further repaint to rebrand it when ”United Kingdom” would breech the Trades Description Act 😱


PA Media
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Mar 14, 2005
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A total waste of public money (nothing new there with the Conservatives), and puts that Voyager at a distinct disadvantage and loss of stealth in conflict situations as its primary use is a refuelling aircraft which by its nature should be as inconspicuous as it can be, and certainly not advertising itself.
Nov 11, 2009
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A total waste of public money (nothing new there with the Conservatives), and puts that Voyager at a distinct disadvantage and loss of stealth in conflict situations as its primary use is a refuelling aircraft which by its nature should be as inconspicuous as it can be, and certainly not advertising itself.
Yes it’s prime role is tanker, troop carrier or logistics transport. All roles in areas of potential threat where a commercial airline colour scheme is not advised.
Oct 8, 2006
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OR of course it could be left alone by the enemy as they think it is a passenger carrying civil aircraft. They're not <all> brilliant you know!
Oct 12, 2016
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Looks ok to me, aircraft need repainting from time to time anyway so hardly an additional expenditure. Just the loony left have seized on it and are trying to score political points as usual. Possibly trying to divert the spotlight away from Champagne Socialist Comrade Long-Bailey.😂
Nov 6, 2005
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A total waste of public money (nothing new there with the Conservatives), and puts that Voyager at a distinct disadvantage and loss of stealth in conflict situations as its primary use is a refuelling aircraft which by its nature should be as inconspicuous as it can be, and certainly not advertising itself.

It would be rapidly repainted if needed for use in a conflict - and with modern electronic surveillance, visual camouflage of aircraft is less important.


May 7, 2005
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With the country plunged into deep debt and so many individuals and businesses also struggling with financial difficulties, it seems to me to be "crass stupid" and exceedingly insensitive to "waste" near a million GBP of "our money" on what is a personal "vanity" project.

Okay, it looks fine, just another aeroplane livery, but now of all times was not the time to let this ego trip run. If it needed repainting anyway, go for a basic repaint.

With no particular political axe to grind, I can say I always find how easy individuals etc can spend others money.
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Jan 3, 2012
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i would agree with (Damian) what a total waste of public money £900,000 on a paint job that could have been put to better use ..:giggle:
Jul 18, 2017
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i would agree with (Damian) what a total waste of public money £900,000 on a paint job that could have been put to better use ..:giggle:
In the scheme of things, £900000 is not even a drop in the ocean as Joe Public probably wastes more than that daily. Not condoning the paint job but just putting it into perspective. :D


Nov 12, 2009
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The repaint of the RAF Voyager designated as the royal aircraft and also to be used by British prime ministers has clearly divided opinion.
There are always better uses for public money, after all, surely there's a head of state in an impoverished third world country who would benefit from a new Rolls Royce or a fattening up of a Swiss bank account which should have been the government's first priority?
The aircraft was due to be repainted anyway, so why shouldn't Britain fly the flag, promote ourselves abroad and be proud to be an independent sovereign state for a change?
OK, so the paint job cost a lot of money, but it shows that the leadership of this country are not part of the self loathing put ourselves down brigade which some political figures and the TV news media have become.


May 7, 2005
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Then some of us know the RAF roundel means it comes from the UK, without the need for a corruption of the national ensign, and along with that are proud of the UK and indeed specifically our RAF.
May 7, 2015
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The £900,000 cost included maintenance which was due as was a repaint so that expenditure would have been needed anyway.

The point about it being inconspicuous is not that relevant either as there are a further two white painted A330 Voyagers at Brize Norton which are used on the same duties as the newly painted aircraft.

In tanker role the aircraft is usually some distance from any actual conflict and a coat of paint is not really going to make any difference as whatever colour it is it will show up on enemy radar.
Oct 12, 2016
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Brilliant use of an existing aircraft rather than going down the American route of dedicated 747’s Air Force One and it’s clones. How much do they cost to run?
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May 7, 2012
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I think the country needs something like this. When the US president and many other heads of state visit us they have a state plane but when we were visiting they got a dull grey offering. It hardly represented what is left of our status in the world. In the great scheme of things going on in the country the cost is minimal and would have made little or no difference if used elsewhere.
Nov 11, 2009
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Brilliant use of an existing aircraft rather than going down the American route of dedicated 747’s Air Force One and it’s clones. How much do they cost to run?
Air Force One and its sisters are airborne C3 centers specifically designed for that role as well as transporting the President around the States and world.
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