Why is it assumed you cannot reverse/manoeuvre your outfit?

Mar 1, 2007
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Sorry if this is a bit of a rant, but this really annoys me. we are relatively new to this caravanning thing, but love it. Admittedly we look like a family of pikeys - Black Irish plated Range Rover and Bailey Senator California, overall 40'2" long. I assure you we are a normal family. We don't tar driveways r sell lucky heather!! Anyway, many moons ago I passed my class 1 HGV so am used to driving artics. I don't do it now but like riding a bike you never forget the basics.

We arrive at a site near Wimbourne which to protect the guilty will remain nameless and were directed to a pitch that was right next to the toilet block and felt like we were in the carpark. My dear wife goes into the office and asks for another pitch to which they reluctantly agree, stating that because we have a TA we would be unable to manoeuvre onto any of the others without cutting up the grass. At this point I got involved and told them it would be no problem and eventually under the strictest supervision from the warden we moved. The result? One perfect reversing move back slap into the middle of the pitch (which was luck, because I thought i might have to put the Rangey on the grass)and no cut up lawn. Even if I had had to shunt onto the grass a permanent 4wd is not going to struggle at all and worse case scenario is going to be some flat grass where the wheels had been which would have sprung back overnight.

Anyway, am I being unreasonable in my judgement or do people really not have a clue going backwards, if so, should they really be allowed to tow a van (of any size) if they are that incompetent? I know my outfit is big for a first timer, but there is no way I would have considered it if I didn't know what I was doing.

Stereotyping is bad enough in the non caravanning world as it is without the actual wardens joining in!

Aaaaaand breathe.
Mar 14, 2005
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Cerebera the reversing of an outfit is allways a bone of contention. I can sometimes do a perfect reverse, in fact on one occassion I did a perfect three point turn and only one person to witness it. Other times I make a right pig's ear of it. It is not always being a competant driver, there are other factors that have a bearing on how capable one is at reversing.
Mar 1, 2007
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Agree you can sometimes have an off day, but even allowing for that, surely no one is so bad they are going to be miles off their 'target' and are going to run over next door's awning, little Johnny playing in the sun?

If they are, then they really shouldn't be towing at all. My point was, the warden assumed that because I had a big outfit I would be totally inept at slotting it onto the pitch.
May 12, 2006
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Must admit only reversed once onto a pitch!!! I just stop on the road put the movers on and bobs your uncle. Having said that I do admire people who do just reverse straight back onto a pitch. I have also seen the grass churned up on one site in particular, when someone tried to reverse 3 or 4 times until they got it right. So I can see why some wardens get a little miffed.

Val & Frank
Jul 3, 2006
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I had the same happen to me at Moffat ccc, the warden suggested that I drove to the far end of the row, turn around and come back pointing the opposite direction so I would not reverse on my blind side????, I suggested this was not necessary, selected reverse and swung our 20' caravan straight onto the pitch in a one'er (thank god!!). The warden explained that he daily saw people that should not be towing a caravan forwards never mind reversing, I explained that I'd been reversing trailers from the age of 10 and still bu***r it up now and again.

It will be a sad day when everyone is perfect at reversing a caravan and we lose the entertainment of someone making a complete pigs ear of it.
Mar 14, 2005
I agree with colin (bridgend). Some days it all goes like a treat - first time, perfect. Last year, due to road works ahead, I had to reverse about 200 yards up the road against the traffic to a spot where I could turn the whole outfit round - no problem. Only a couple of days later, I had problems reversing the outfit between two parked cars parallel to the kerb. That's life, I suppose.
Nov 1, 2005
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You're exactly right cerbera. I too have fairly large outfit (23ft 'van), and I'm asked everywhere I go "do you think you could get it in there?". If I couldn't do it I wouldn't have it. And I agree wholeheatedly:v Anyone who blatantly cannot manouvre their outfit shouldn't be allowed on the road.
Oct 17, 2006
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We here in Cornwall have had a lot of rain the grass is still very wet, most of the pitches are hard standings but some of the hard standings you might have to do a few maneuvers to get on pitch to avoid the grass, while it is wet like this we do offer to put caravan on pitch with the tractor,

If the grass gets ruined now it takes a long time for it to look nice again. This is a great help to some people. So really I can understand some Wardens might like to keep the site nice. Liz
May 12, 2006
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Anyone who blatantly cannot manouvre their outfit shouldn't be allowed on the road.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Being able or wanting to struggle to get a big outfit onto a tight pitch does not mean you can't manouvre your outfit correctly. It just mean you have more sense than try a hit or miss manouvre, when you don't have to.

Val & Frank
Nov 1, 2005
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No need to get excited Frank :) My point is if you have to "sruggle" to get your 'van on to a pitch, and if it's a "hit or a miss", then you may be one the people I'm talking about. If you could do it easily but choose to use a mover, etc, then that's your perogative. The people my argument is about is those who clearly cannot make their 'van go where they want. What happens to these people when the need to back up on a road in traffic? As I've said, I have a 23ft 'van and I've never struggled to pitch it anywhere.
Mar 14, 2005
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On a CL in Lancs two years ago, the owner insisted on siting everyone's van with his mini-tractor,no matter how much you protested that you could do it. His site, his rules OK?
Nov 1, 2005
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Yes the site at Tummel Valley operates that system as well. If a site owner wants to try to protect the grass, young trees, etc on his site by doing this I have no issue with it. But as Cerbera initially said, why is it largely assumed that a caravanner with a large outfit won't be able to get it onto a pitch? Obviously they've had past experience with wiseguys who've done all kinds of damage and given the rest of us a bad name.
Sep 16, 2006
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After getting our first caravan at 23ft it was a bit differnt to reversing with traiilers that I done in the army so I completed the CC Tow Course and by the end of the day after comments made by the instruictions and fellow course members, I felt pretty confident of my abilities with left and right hand reversing so the following weekend we went away, and needless to say that I made a rights pigs ear of it - much to the amuzement of the wife. Nevermind sometimes it goes well and sometimes it easlier to unhitch and the push the caravan in place!!!
Mar 14, 2005
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Site owners/wardens see a lot more caravanners in a day than we do. Yes, we all think (or know) that we can do it, but the gaffer has probably never seen you before, doesn't know what you're capable of, so, rather than risk any damage, he (or she,sorry Liz) errs on the side of caution. Also, the t*sser before you may have done damage.Don't knock him(her); it's their job.
Mar 14, 2005
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I must say, I can respect the site owner being careful, concerning his property. If that means interrogating incoming guests, so be it. Some may even be pleased to be asked, as some may feel a little insecure about reversing on a pitch.

There again, if a site owner wants to run a site that has restrictive pitches, because he/she is trying to cram as many caravans on as possible, deserves what he/she gets.
Oct 17, 2006
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I think it's not the case of whether you can reverse or not on a pitch; the rules are 3 mtr gap between each caravan. If there is a lot of grass for you to reverse onto and the owner of site wishes to keep his/her grass from being ruined, after all its their land, other people have to use that pitch after you have made a mess off it, best judgement should be left to site owner or wardens on site. Liz
Mar 1, 2007
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Which is entirely right Liz.

However, I don't care who you are, you are not going to insist on reversing my pride and joy onto a pitch. I have no idea who you are or if you can reverse properly or not.

Note - not you personally Liz, I was using the general 'you' to refer to over officious wardens insisting on placing my van as other posters have mentioned.

Personally, if I was directed to a pitch that I had no hope of getting my van onto, then I would ask for another before doing a rotivation job on the surrounding grass/trees/hook up points ,etc. Or if they insisted, I would ask them to come out and watch me back or accept the ploughing!
Mar 1, 2007
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Thanks for that geordie!

We're loving it, even down to erecting the awning to discover no pegs! It was very still with no winds expected but had visions of a middle of the night dash to tie things down!
Oct 17, 2006
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Which is entirely right Liz.

However, I don't care who you are, you are not going to insist on reversing my pride and joy onto a pitch. I have no idea who you are or if you can reverse properly or not.

Note - not you personally Liz, I was using the general 'you' to refer to over officious wardens insisting on placing my van as other posters have mentioned.

Personally, if I was directed to a pitch that I had no hope of getting my van onto, then I would ask for another before doing a rotivation job on the surrounding grass/trees/hook up points ,etc. Or if they insisted, I would ask them to come out and watch me back or accept the ploughing!
Hi no your comments not taken personally no worries, I am a Site Warden of a private camp site, it's the owners wishes that I as site warden make sure nobody turfs up the grass when reversing onto a pitch, I cannot reverse myself, but I am a very good banksmans, I can see whether the driver is having trouble reversing. It's no shame asking for help. Regards Liz
Mar 14, 2005
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He He, we've been there also, but had friends staying at another site not to far away and they had extra pegs, PHEW !.This is all part of the learning curve as they say,and soon you will have your own way of doing things,storing things etc etc, that the mishaps are soon forgotten. My comment earlier about the unexpected was in relation to your first post,because I, like you, took it for granted that every vanner was competent at reversing,but over a period of time on sites such as this one, and in the field as it were, it seems, that part of towing is not deemed important.Hmmmm Strange!
Nov 26, 2006
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Not surprising some wardens/owners are dubious about the reversing abilities of their clients.

If you look around you will see all too many people who can't reverse properly into a parking space or to a passing place on a narrow road. And that's without a trailer.

But - if they demand to reverse your van for you, this must be made clear at the time of booking, and they must be willing to prove that they are fully insured for any damage they might cause to your unit.
Oct 27, 2005
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Cerbera, you say you were on a site near Wimbourne - was it Merley Court by any chance. We are going for the first time on Sat - lets hope we haven't got the pitch next to the toilets. Anyhow did you like it there. Regards Denise
Mar 1, 2007
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Yup that's the one. We originally were on pitch 150something but moved to a fully serviced pitch - No. 28?

Great site, you'll see what I mean about the carpark feeling, especially if you turn up with a TA!!!


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