
Best Answers

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    Reader (1/15) (10 points)

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      You've received 25 "Best Answers!" Carry on, please!
    3. Acolyte (100 points)

      You've received 50 "Best Answers!"
    4. Mentor (200 points)

      Wow, you've received 100 "Best Answers!"
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      You've received 200 "Best Answers!"
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      Wow, you're brilliant! You've earned 800 "Best Answers!"
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      You've received 1,000 Best Answers!
    11. Sentinel (4K points)

      You are a dedicated servant of knowledge, and earned 1,200 "Best Answers!"
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      You have created a prodigious body of 1,500 "Best Answers!"
    13. Paragon (8K points)

      You are regarded as a paragon of excellence, having received 2,000 "Best Answers."
    14. Lorekeeper (10K points)

      You are the keeper of lore, a master of knowledge. You've received 3,000 "Best Answers."


  1. 10

    Novice (1/15) (10 points)

    Great job on posting your first message!
    1. Brass (20 points)

      You've posted 25 messages!
    2. Iron (50 points)

      You've posted a solid 50 messages!
    3. Bronze (100 points)

      You've learned the craft of communication well, with 250 messages!
    4. Steel (200 points)

      You have forged 500 messages!
    5. Titanium (300 points)

      You've posted a titanic 1,000 messages!
    6. Silver (500 points)

      Your pen is pure silver - congratulations on 1,500 posts!
    7. Palladium (1K points)

      You're a rare find, like Palladium - you've made 2,500 posts!
    8. Gold (2K points)

      You're as good as gold with your 5,000 messages!
    9. Platinum (3K points)

      As powerful as platinum, with 5,000 messages posted!
    10. Benefactor (5K points)

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    11. Patron (10K points)

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    13. Fabled (15K points)

      You have become a fabled character within the community, with 30,000 messages posted!
    14. Legendary (20K points)

      You are truly legendary, with a stunning 50,000 messages contributing to our community. Thank you!


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    Initiate (1/5) (500 points)

    You have been a member of this forum for one year!
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      You've made it to 2 years on this forum!
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      You've made it to Veteran status, marking 3 years on the forum!
    3. Elder (6K points)

      At 5 years, you have become an Elder on these forums!
    4. Ancient (8K points)

      Your seniority lends authority to your status - congratulations for being a member of these forums for 7 years!


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      Much respect! 200 of your posts have received likes!