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      One more gotcha to be very careful of when buying a tow car. We have now got ourselves a very nice Skoda Karoq diesel 4x4 (tows our...
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      Barry C reacted to Jcloughie's post in the thread water pump problems with Like Like.
      Hi David. I would suggest you have a short in the pump circuit. John
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      Barry C replied to the thread Flow jet pump.
      Interesting thought. Might try turning the pump off at night anyway, as would only need a little bit of water to wash hands during...
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      Barry C reacted to Gafferbill's post in the thread Flow jet pump with Like Like.
      .....I have a Swift with an onboard diaphragm pump. Swift basically mounted it directly to what amounts to a sound board that amplifies...
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      Barry C replied to the thread Flow jet pump.
      In which case I may have a go at something similar also. Although the pump is much quieter now (much much quieter!), it can still be...
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      Barry C reacted to Dustydog's post in the thread Flow jet pump with Like Like.
      My on board pump does not get warm. I suspect the water flowing and the size of the metal acts as excellent heat sinks.
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      Barry C replied to the thread Flow jet pump.
      Many thanks. To be fair our beef is with Swift themselves, not the dealer. The AWS dealer we bought our caravan from is an hour away...
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      Barry C replied to the thread Flow jet pump.
      The only thing that would worry me there is if the pump motor started overheating, especially if on for a little while, such as when...
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      Barry C reacted to Gafferbill's post in the thread Flow jet pump with Like Like.
      ......wrapping the pump in several layers of bubble wrap dampens the noise considerably. See post #8 of this thread.
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      Barry C reacted to Sam Vimes's post in the thread Flow jet pump with Like Like.
      Somewhat of an old thread but never mind. I had a 2006 Swift Motorhome with the same noisey pump. On one tour it packed up on site and...
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      Barry C reacted to otherclive's post in the thread Flow jet pump with Like Like.
      I remounted mine on a new baseplate and used rubber grommets as mounts to the baseplate. I also rerouted the pipes so I could also mount...
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      Barry C reacted to Mel's post in the thread Flow jet pump with Like Like.
      We also have an Alpine 2. Pumps on Sprite vans are well known for being really noisy and “ Jack hammer” is not much of an exaggeration...
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      Barry C reacted to Beardy's post in the thread Flow jet pump with Like Like.
      I find there's enough pressure in the system to push a couple of litres of water out for that purpose, guess it depends how many people...
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      Barry C reacted to otherclive's post in the thread Flow jet pump with Like Like.
      It’s the nighttime din right under the front beds.
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      Barry C reacted to ProfJohnL's post in the thread Flow jet pump with Like Like.
      There are arguments both ways, Occasionally with a pressure switch controlled system, the pressure in the pipework may reduce...
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